Saturday, September 12, 2009

DC Police: 9/12 Protest Crowd Estimated at 1.2 Million and Growing

The New York Times reports on today's 9-12 events in Washington, with the title, "Thousands Rally in Capital to Protest Big Government." But check Doug Powers, "9/12 March on Washington Live Video Link. As he notes at the post, "Unconfirmed reports are that the DC Police are estimating the crowd at 1.2 million and growing." It turns out, naturally, that crowd size is a political football. See, "Managing Expectations: Crowd Size for D.C. Rally Sparks Fight."

No matter. Check Michelle Malkin's post here, "
Celebrating the 9/12 Rallies" (with live-streaming video). Plus, the Wall Street Journal, "Conservatives Gather in Capital." (Via Memeorandum.)

Here's an interesting background clip:

Plus, Pat in Shreveport on White House cluelessness, "What Demonstrations?"


  1. These protests are a very healthy thing for Americans to do! It is in our blood. Jefferson (The hero of the Democrats) and Reagan (the hero of the Republicans + TR) would agree – stop the BIG government! American citizens do not need to be taken care of by an impersonal, all-knowing and parental government entity!

  2. Just totally ironic that the video uses the Twisted Sister song. I guess it takes 20 years for a band considered dangerous by conservatives to be embraced by conservatives.

    From wikipedia: " Despite being comedic in nature, the videos featured violence against parents and teachers, which placed the band under heavy criticism by conservative organizations. They were singled out by the PMRC in 1985. Twisted Sister songs "Under the Blade" and "We're Not Gonna Take It" were specifically mentioned in the associated Senate hearings. Snider was one of the few musicians to testify before a Senate committee in these hearings on September 19, 1985. (He was addressed formally by the committee counsel as "Mr. Sister".)["

  3. Anonymous,
    And just what does this have to do with the subject matter???

