Friday, September 4, 2009

Glenn Beck: Van Jones is Tip of the Iceberg

The Hill is reporting that "White House Stands by 'Truther' Van Jones." But boy is that a questionable call. Here's this from JammieWearingFool, "Stunner! Obama Hack Van Jones Also a Mumia Supporter":

Most of the media is ignoring the story, naturally, but there comes a time when critical mass will be reached, and probably much sooner than later.

The pathetic aspect of this is the obvious non-vetting of Jones or the likelihood Jones was vetted and Obama found nothing offensive about this man. Apparently the tech-savvy wizards at the White House are too incompetent to run a simple search, as many are now in the process of doing.

Now we find Jones also has a thing for the cop-killing darling of the left, Mumia Abu Jamal. This is from 10 years ago, obviously pre-dating Jones' later hook-up with other radicals in the Truther movement.
Check the links at the post (including a devastating 1999 San Francisco Chronicle story on Van Jones' support for Mumia). Also blogging is Gateway Pundit and Hot Air. But we're fortunate that Glenn Beck has been hammering away at Jones for months, and Beck's pressure this last week has been relentless. Beck's show yesterday was titled, "Glenn Beck: Personnel Is Policy." His introduction, at the first video, is typically melodramatic; but he's right to say Van Jones is "just the tip of the iceberg." Michelle Malkin is interviewed in the third video down, and she rips into Jones' support for the cop killer and the hard-left America-hating network working to free him. This is just gold:

See also, Michelle Malkin, "Van Jones, Valerie Jarrett, Barack Obama & Dot-It-Yourself Vetting." More at Memeorandum.


  1. As his admirers in the media continue to make jackasses of themselves by making creepy homoerotic statements about pants and legs, Obama continues to surround himself with the worst scum of society. Palin's controversial statement "Palling around with terrorists" has gotten more and more vindicated since it first ruffled so many feathers.

  2. You and your ilk are America's worst enemies. Incapable of independent thought, worshipful of ignorance and untruth. Wake up.

  3. These idiots in the Obama Administration have a ridiculous view of the future of America. Here's the leading video in Glenn Beck's national video contest for his Arguing with Idiots book. It makes fun of the progressive view of "New America" and promotes the ideals of the 9.12 project:
