Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jim Treacher Investigates the Czars!

The "boob czars," that is:
As successful as the 9/12 Washington Tea Party was, it still left us with some questions: Who were those wonderful czars? Where did they come from? And most importantly, do they mind if we take some more pictures?

Thanks to the Green Czar (AKA Floridajayhawk on Twitter), we now know a little more about these cheerful, good-natured lovers of liberty and what they're trying to get off their chests. He was nice enough to answer a few questions via e-mail:

Greetings, Green Czar! So, who are you fine folks?

We live in South Florida.
Boob Czar lives in a state close to Florida. We got involved with We have done many protests in South Florida.
More at the link. And more pictures of ... well, protest signs!


  1. LOL-Nice to see that Jim is on the case.

    If anyone can sniff it out, Treacher can.


  2. South Florida Tea Party's DC Theme - "Dancing With The Czars"

    Our Goal: To use Satire to expose the truth and get media attention. Humor is a weapon. We will show America the ridiculousness of the Czars and also have fun! Pick your favorite Czar such as the ”Tea Party Czar”, “Tooth Fair Czar”, “Bun Warmer Czar,” “Missing Chad Czar,” “Sheeple Czar,” “Cartoon Czar,” the more ridiculous the better. We will have prizes for the best Czar costume and outfit. Have Czars ideas? Email us! Be creative and have fun. We plan to march as Czars and have a special picture taken in front of the White House.

