Friday, September 11, 2009

The New McCarthyism? Radical Revisionism Continues as Left Lashes Out at Glenn Beck!

Leftists are really ramping up a new meme about Glenn Beck as the new Joseph McCarthy. See yesterday's Media Matters, for example, "Glenn Beck's New McCarthyism?"

The funny thing is, the fight over President Obama's White House communists can't be "McCarthyism," since conservatives aren't engaging in a "witch hunt" or compiling an communist "enemies list" - the Democrats are
perfectly out in the open about their current and past ties to Marxist-Leninist organizations, and they're paying the price. Never mind the truth, of course. It's all about smear and spin for the nihilist leftists. Now here comes the Free Press with their own hit campaign against Glenn Beck, "Glenn Beck's Witch Hunt: Who's Next?":

But remember:

Van Jones isn't Alger Hiss. There's nothing covert about him. He didn't snooker Obama into bringing him aboard. He is who he is, and that's why Obama wanted him. Having a Communist in that job was perfect since the "green jobs" initiative is an important part of the hard Left's agenda to use environmentalism as an additional justification for usurping command of the economy.

And not only that. Like the "race card," the "new McCartyism" is a catch-all smear leftists deploy to allege fascism is coming to America. Here's this from 2002 at the Progressive:

Welcome to the New McCarthyism. A chill is descending across the country, and it's frostbiting immigrants, students, journalists, academics, and booksellers.

"I'm terrified," says Ellen Schrecker, author of Many Are the Crimes: McCarthyism in America (Princeton University, 1999). "What concerns me is we're not seeing an enormous outcry against this whole structure of repression that's being rushed into place by the Bush Administration."

"I've been talking a lot about the parallels between what we're going through now and McCarthyism," says Nadine Strossen, president of the ACLU. "The term 'terrorism' is taking on the same kind of characteristics as the term 'communism' did in the 1950s. It stops people in their tracks, and they're willing to give up their freedoms. People are too quickly panicked. They are too willing to give up their rights and to scapegoat people, especially immigrants and people who criticize the war."
Keep in mind that the Progressive piece is from January 2002, just three months after September 11. Now here we are 8 years later, the Democrats are in power, and they're attempting to complete the historical revisionism that the United States bears the blame for the worst attacks on U.S. soil in history.

But always remember the truth, "911: Islam Attacks America."

Meanwhile, the revisionist campaign continues this morning in Judith Lewis' scrubbing of Van Jones' communist background, "
Meet The Real Van Jones." (Via Memeorandum.)


  1. The thing that the lefties forget: McCarthy was right.

  2. But the Leftists are right too - fascism is coming to America.

    They should know. They're bringing it.

  3. It is time for white guilt to take leave in these United States. Plezzzzzzzz. Give me a break. My wish for the country, is to wake up, and let's debate on common ground from here on out.

  4. Grizzly Mama,

    Funny how they always manage to leave that little detail out.


  5. Joseph McCarthy was a senator, a government official, using his official capacity in the hearings.

    Glenn Beck, well, he's a guy on a cable TV show.

    I guess the Left just don't get it. Private citizen vs. government official acting in official capacity.

    Again, I shouldn't be surprise, the Left ain't logical.
