Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Obama's National Endowment of Indoctrination

The image is from Pat Dollard, "Obama’s Race War: “Wake Up, Conservatives”, Wake Up Americans." I can't tell you how perfectly the title of that post sums up how I see this administration. I had generally nice things to say about the president's address to students today. I like the message of personal responsiblity. It's just not authentic coming from this White House snake-oil salesman.

Now we have another devastating essay from Patrick Courrielche at Big Hollywood, "
WHO SET UP GOVERNMENT ‘PROPAGANDA’ CONFERENCE CALL? Newly Revealed White House, NEA Audio Contradict." This part is killer:

Even more disturbing than learning that the White House and NEA are using the arts to address specific issues, is to learn what was discussed on this new conference call. Rosenbaum mentions that there was much talk of “leveraging federal dollars” to get artists and cultural organizations involved in social-service projects.

Leveraging federal dollars? This is the problem with marrying issue specific topics, like health care and energy, with a group that is funded by tax dollars; it increases the potential of taxpayer-funded propaganda.
Hmm. Propaganda. It's starting to become a theme.

And here's this from Jay Cost, "
Obama To Give Historic Speech ... Again":

Another historic, monumental speech from the 44th President of the United States. He's averaging about one of these every three weeks now, isn't he?

To say that this President is overexposed is an understatement. He was overexposed six months ago when he let his kids appear on the cover of Jann Wenner's trashy supermarket celeb mag. I'm not sure what prefix to use, but "over-" does not sufficiently describe a President who is now doing 30-second spots for George Lopez's new late night show on TBS. Seriously.

I'm just glad the tea parties are having such a phenomenal effect, and that the historical abomination of Obama 44 is inceasingly looking like a one term deal. January 2013 can't come fast enough for this country; although, in consolation, I'm confident that Obama's inexperience and overreaching are sealing his rep as the worst president ever.

See also, Hot Air and Memeorandum.


  1. If the history books are objective than he will be one of the worst. Also he will tarnish the chances of many competent and patriotic black Americans who would be fantastic as president.

  2. shoprat,

    Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams com to mind, among others.


  3. "January 2013 can't come fast enough for this country;"

    Actually, I am hoping for some serious congress-critter recall efforts to come along well before then.

    At the rate the Obamanista communist coup is progressing, there may not be much left worth saving by then.


  4. It is the same damage that Affirmative Action did to many minorities that did not deserve the stigma of being a token. I would suggest that many wanted minorities represented as not capable and push those who were less that capable or not prepared for the positions they were pushed into.
    There is no group of individuals in this country that does not have the capability and capacity to succeed at any job for which they have the skills and desire, but it cannot be handed to them. It does a disservice and only sets them up for failure to give anyone something they have not earned. There is nothing like the feeling of knowing you made it on your own merit. To expect less is BIGOTRY.
    I have had to many minority mentors not to recognize that they have the ability to work hard and do great things on their own. The bigotry of poor expectations of the left has always been a problem.
    The same could be posited about the NEA thinking it can use federal money to push artists into being political pawns. If you are an artist and you let yourself be used in this manner you only denigrate your talent and artistic ability and cause grievous harm to others in the field. Are you as an artist the government man or your own man? How would anybody know?
    Do you want to suffer the same fate that the left has foisted on many minorities?

  5. I hope you prove to be a prophet, Professor.

    Quoted from and linked to at:
