Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rachel Maddow: Joe Wilson a 'Mascot for Incivil, Racist Fringe'

I've said it many times by now, but Rachel Maddow's show is simply a platform for the left's unsubstantiated smears against conservatives. Last night, she looked at comments in support of Joe Wilson as evidence that the right is "uncivil" and that the movement is "unhinged." Check at 2:45 minutes:

Maddow goes on to present a far-fetched "history" of right-wing extremism and postulates that the fate of groups like the John Birch Society is in store for today's conservative and libertarian activists. Maddow's elevation of Joseph Farah and Dick Armey to the center of the "movement" is a classic straw man fallacy.

Of course, the public's not buying the left's "racism" scare tactics. As
Rassmussen points out this morning, "12% Say Most Opponents of Obama Health Care Plan Are Racist":

Twelve percent (12%) of voters nationwide believe that most opponents of President Obama’s health care reform plan are racist. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 67% of voters disagree, and 21% are not sure.

In recent days, several Democrats have suggested that racism is a factor. The most prominent to make that accusation is former President Jimmy Carter.

Eighty-eight percent (88%) of Republicans reject the notion that most of the opponents are racist. So do 78% of voters not affiliated with either major party. However, just 39% of Democrats share that view. Twenty-two percent (22%) of those in the president’s party say that most of the opposition to his plan comes from racists, and another 39% are not sure.
Okay, think about this: Two-thirds of respondents reject Rachel Maddow's hard-left claim that opposition to the president is racist. And 9 of 10 Republicans along with 8 of 10 independents reject the view as well. Maddow's appealing, in fact, to a genuine fringe element herself. Of those 39 percent, a large segment would be the same fever-swamp radicals who have burned George W. Bush in effigy.

And if you check Gallup's piece up today, "
Healthcare Bill Supporters Cite Uninsured; Foes, Big Gov’t."

Basically, the common responses see ObamaCare as an unnecessary expansion of big government. And the response for "government should not be involved in healthcare" measures support for a total government takecare of health markets, not simply a government role, since we know Medicare is a traditionally popular program for the elderly.

Most importantly, there's nothing here that indicates racist sentiment. Democrats are playing the "race card" because they're desperate. If you noticed at the video, Maddow repeatedly refers to President Obama as a "relatively popular president." The only problem is that he's not relatively popular. As early as March analysts were indicating how President George W. Bush (the evil "
Chimpy") was more popular than President Obama at the same stage in the presidential term. And as this essay indicates, "George W. Bush was in office 37 months with an unpopular war before he fell to the Obama historically low level according to Gallup."

See more at
Cold Fury, Power Line, Protein Wisdom, QandO, Say Anything, and YID With LID.


  1. Ya know....if we all stop watching that show, she'll go away.

  2. When race is the only card the have it's the only card they play.

  3. They have used this slur so often that most people no longer hear it -- their brains just screen it out like background noise.

    The Left's strategy is both desperate and obvious. Their guy is failing badly and they need to blame it on "racism."

  4. Maybe this will shed some light on how the liberals think:

    "We call things racism just to get attention. We reduce complicated problems to racism, not because it is racism, but because it works."

    - Alfredo Gutierrez, political consultant, as quoted by Richard de Uriarte, The Phoenix Gazette, March 14, 1992

    (Thanks to CT Conservative for this quote!)

  5. The sad part in this situation is that where real racism happens very few people will pay attention to it because it has been used so frequently to stifle free speech, instead of addressing actual racism, that it has lost any meaning. It is what happens when name calling replaces dialogue and a desire to find common ground.
    I know that when I hear certain pejoratives from the Left my first thought is that they lack the skill to defend their own ideas. The left does it so often as to making anything they say worthless.

  6. The JournoList private cabal of about 500 by-invitation-only blogger/columnist/commentators have evidently conspired to use the "racist" meme, trope, paradigm, whatever as the default mode when all else fails.

    The proliferation of racist slurs by pathetic specimens like Maddow [[s]he straddles categories to land in the last refuge of the scoundrel] means all else is failing.

    That or they really believe the Big Lie and Smear tactics they so defamed opponents like Joe McCarthy for are actually effective.

    And that would mean that in 2010, we may have a Republican House, or at least a neutered Speaker[ette].

  7. OK before I say this let me stress that A. I cannot stand Maddcow's opinion and B. I think by the literal term of racism that the progressive/liberals are the actual racists.

    That being said from their point of view, opposition to obamacare is racially motivated.

    I mean they think hate crimes that are only charged against whites is not racist. Employment opportunities that exclude white males is not racist nor sexest, neither is it racist or sexest to ignore an applicant if that person is white or male or Christian... well the list goes on actually.

    So anything that may be equal across race lines and may *gasp* give everyone the same chance and costs for something and lets white men not pay for everyone elses care is in fact racist to these clowns.

    Therefore fighting for true equality is racist to them pure and simple.

    Its easy to see why, they are all relatively rich and in good occupations so they are not giving up anything to get some self feeling of superiority by sacrificing all the middle and lower class whites.

    I am pro equality and pro white ethnicity and am done paying for what ever crimes these people want to lay on some whites in the past. Since that is racism to these self important traitors to the HUMAN race then from them it is a title I will wear proudly.

  8. Ya know....if we all stop watching that show, she'll go away.

    'Fraid not ... she's part of GENBC's documentation that they pass the "free-thinking" litmus tests and are therefore worthy of being invited to Best & Brightest cocktail parties.

    Part of the cost of doin' business in the world of re-, er, progressives.
