Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Town Halls of August: A Chronicle of the Goons

From Mary Katherine Ham, "The Town Halls of August: They're Here, They're Conservative, Get Used To It":

What we learned in the last month is that people who have been energetically organizing, filling town halls and high-school gymnasiums, and staging protests for most of their lives are more than a little dismayed to find out that the other side can do it, too. There will always be a risk of unrest at any political protest, left or right, and that risk increases with the emotion and energy surrounding the debate. And it will always be important to call for civility in heated debates, and to treat public forums and our right to speak in them with the respect they deserve.
Read the whole thing, here.

Outstanding chronicle of leftist thuggery, which puts the lie to the Democrats' claim that conseratives are "political terrorists."

Image Credit: The People's Cube, "OBAMACARE: Yes It Can Bite Your Finger Off!"


  1. Given the option, I'd take getting my finger bitten off over ...

    ... being gunned down in church, like an abortion doctor.

    ... being gunned down by someone who thought I was coming to take his guns away, like the police.

    ... being gunned down at my job, like a Holocaust Museum guard.

    Donald Douglas: Thuggery-accusation FAIL.

  2. WTF? Are you serious Benny?
    This loon was one of the regular Acorn/Seiu, Union thug mob, not a crazed gunman. NOT one bit of info has the town hall anti Obamacare protesters as anything but average citizens, none of whom can be characterized as vicous crazed gun toting fiends.
    You lefties amaze me more with each passing day with your double standard hypocrisy and absolute refusal to see anything short of your views.

  3. "Local officials and state police are confirming that a pro-life advocate was shot and killed outside a high school in this Michigan town. The person, who is described as well-known but whose identity has not been released, was shot multiple times while protesting abortion outside Owosso High School".
    It is interesting that Ben JB has a sliding scale of acceptable violence. If the logic was not so poor one might let it pass for the stupidity it exhibits.
    Violence committed by any individual for whatever reason except self defense is wrong . That Ben Jb cannot fathom the depths of his on perverseness say more about him than the disparate justification he utilizes.
    I am beginning to wonder about the humanity of this leftist.
    Using his logic I will now blame all Leftists, especially Ben JB, for the murder of this Pro Life individual. No I cannot bring myself to be that illogical just for political expediency. Kooks are Kooks.

  4. Dennis,

    You and I agree on two things: a) Kooks are kooks.

    But since we agree on that, don't you think it's ridiculous of Donald to tar the health-care reform movement as finger-biting since it was just one kook who did it? So, will you join me in objecting to Donald's characterization of health-care reform as pro-finger biting?

    We also agree that b) violence is unacceptable. That said, don't you agree that some violence is worse than others? I mean, our criminal courts don't hand out the same sentence to all violent criminals: they judge each crime by the severity of the violence. Killing someone (like an abortion doctor or an abortion protester) is a serious crime; biting someone's finger off is totally inappropriate, but less severe as a crime.

    I confess to not understanding what you say here: I think you're saying that it's unfair of me to conflate conservatives with violent conservative criminals (like the guy who shot the abortion doctor or the guy who shot the police) since I don't do the opposite and conflate progressives with violent progressive criminals (like the guy who bit the finger off).

    First, that's not at all what I did in my post. What I said was simply that given the option, I'd prefer to have my finger bitten off (since I can get better from that) than be shot and killed (which I cannot get better from), and that right now, there are more conservative-fueled acts of violence that have left people dead.

    (And now comes the part where you might say that the shooters were just individual kooks, but that the guy who bit off the finger shows the deep institutional problems of the left. I'd like to pre-empt you by noting that that's what a double standard actually looks like: it's ok if my guys do it because they're not really my guys, but it's wrong for you guys to do it.)

  5. And of course, the fact that the guy who killed the anti-abortion guy also killed the owner of a gravel pit kinda undercuts the theory that his "liberal" or "pro-choice" views (which themselves have yet to be reported) had anything to do with that killing, unless we're also prepared to argue that his "pro-paved driveway" views caused the killing of the other man.

    Violence is seldom an acceptable way to solve conflicts, but yes Dennis, there is a difference between being fed through a wood chipper feet first while conscious, being shot, and having the tip of one's finger bit off. All of 'em suck, but some acts of violence are legally &/or morally worse than others. Most folks view violent acts on a "sliding scale."

    Individuals are individuals. Whether a violent person has every book put out by a foxnews "author," or the complete works of Zinn and Chomsky in his trunk, it isn't the guy or gal's politics that's to blame for the bad acts, but the degree to which the person is a nut or evil. A whole lotta people watch & read the ravings of Beck on one end, or Chomsky on the other, but don't become violent. Sure, details like a perp's (or a victim's) political or social ideology are interesting, but they should never be confused with causation.
