Friday, September 11, 2009

Why Did Andrew Sullivan Get Special Treatment From the U.S. Attorney?

Unlike Dan Collins, I would have been tiptoeing through the tulips had Andrew Sullivan not gotten special treatment and had his pending claim for U.S. citizenship blown. The guy's a prick, and he broke the law. Since he's not an American, he could potentially face deportation. Why should he get a special deal? I'd say the same thing about a Mexican day laborer.

Gawker's got the story, "
Andrew Sullivan's Federal Pot Favors." But Ron Radosh nails it, "Andrew Sullivan’s Bust: The Real Issue":

Why did Andrew Sullivan get special treatment from the U.S. Attorney? As the Collings statement makes clear, other similar offenders have regularly been hauled before the court, and forced to pay the fine if found guilty. In Sullivan’s case, there are other far more important implications.

Andrew Sullivan has moved from the stance of a fierce conservative to that of a liberal supporter of the Obama administration. When Obama met after his election with liberal journalists, Sullivan was part of their group—not among those of the conservative journalists who met the President-elect. He regularly blasts conservatives, especially those having anything to do with the Bush administration, and stands among the group constantly demanding fierce punishment for Cheney and company for authorizing torture of Gitmo detainees.

Now, more than ever, it appears that the United States Attorney is repaying a debt to Sullivan for his support to the administration. Why else would he be singled out for exclusive treatment? And doesn’t it also mean that Sullivan now will be more careful than ever to continue giving the administration his approval, at least until after he becomes a citizen? A debt paid leads to a debt owed.
More at Memeorandum.

But see the U.S. Magistrate Judge Robert B. Collings court statement, "


  1. "Andrew Sullivan has moved from the stance of a fierce conservative to that of a liberal supporter of the Obama administration."

    Nonsense. Sullivan hasn't changed. Only the brand name on the Big Government package has changed. It's nothing but a marketing ploy.

    Sullivan supported the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq in the name of liberation, especially the liberation of his fellow homosexuals. The Trotskyite Neocons supported "global democratic revolution," as well as such socialistic and unconstitutional programs as "No Child Left Behind," amnesty for illegal alien invaders, and Prescription Drugs for Seniors in the name of conservatism; Obama is pushing similar revolutionary programs in the name of progressivism.

    Either way, Big Government and globalist Big Business win.

  2. Old Rebel: You're a prick too. And you know you've had your butt kicked over here so many times it's ridiculous. Stay gone ...

  3. "I also abhor irrationalism in argumentation. I welcome comments and debate, and I'll defend my positions vigorously. Yet in friendship, you'll find no one more trustworthy nor loyal; in battle you'll find an umatched competitor whose tactical elan would make Machiavelli proud."

    Funny, I couldn't find the section in "The Prince" where Machiavelli claimed name-calling could substitute for logical discourse.

    Your victories over me exist in the same alternate universe where you'll find Saddam's WMD, the cakewalk in Iraq, and overjoyed Iraqis cheering on their liberators (watch those shoes!).

    You Neocons have cheered on disastrous wars, citizen surveillance, and demographic revolution at home, and what's left of our Republic is now on the brink of ruin. You're radicals who've stolen the name of conservatism, as proven by your acknowledged ties to Trotsky, Strauss, and Kristol.

    Heckuva job, Dougie.
