Friday, September 11, 2009

Will Wilkinson: U.S. Response to 9/11 - 'An Enormous Disaster'

I don't think Will Wilkinson was getting stoned as he wrote this, "For a 9/10 America." No matter, though. He might as well be on drugs:
The United States’ government reacted to to 9/11 and that reaction has been, to my mind, an enormous disaster. Yet those responsible for this disaster have been successful in hiding behind the shock of the crumbling towers, as if support for their dangerous and deadly policies is inexorably implied by feeling deeply the full weight of 9/11’s tragedy. Those most insistent that we “never forget” 9/11 are those who need our continuing collective complicity in the erosion of our civil liberties, in the weakening of the rule of law, in the unjustified invasion of unrelated foreign countries and the murder of their people, in the policy of state-sanctioned torture. The difficulty many Americans have in separating remembrance of an act of terror from an endorsement of the war on terror may turn out be George W. Bush’s great legacy.
Notice the part about how backers of a firm stand against modern terrorism "need our continuing complicity" in the erosion of rights, blah, blah, blah. It's totally unoriginal, in any case. Glenn Greenwald, Andrew Sullivan ... these guys are a dime of dozen. They claim to be libertarian, but the result is that folks like Wilkinson end up joining with the anti-Americans on the radical left, and ultimately with our Islamist enemies who remain out there, intent to kill and maim as many regular Americans that they can. Meanwhile, these same libertarian-leftists can sit tight while railing away (stoned) at the criminal justice system and the war on drugs, using their platform attacking the Bush administration to earn special treatment as water-carriers for Barack Obama.

It's disgusting. (Via

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