Tuesday, September 1, 2009

World Wildlife Fund 'Condemns' Award-Winning Ad Desecrating 9/11 Memory

Via Astute Bloggers, "World Wildlife Fund Runs Disgusting Ad Desecrating the Memory of 9/11." Check out this World Wildlife Fund advertisement created by affiliated ad agency DDB Brazil/Sao Paulo:

The New York Times reports, "Wildlife Group Condemns a 9/11-Tsunami Ad."

But The One Show lauded the ad with the "
Merit Award - Public Service/Political Print - Newspaper or Magazine - Single."

The ad's sales pitch

"The tsunami killed 100 times more people than 9/11. The planet is brutally powerful. Respect it. Preserve it."
Ed Morrissey responds:

Wow! Sounds like the Earth is the real terrorist ....

Whoever thought of trivializing and commercializing the murders of 3,000 people for an ad campaign about conservation needs to search deep within themselves to determine whether their soul exists.
But here's the thing: An ad like this is no big deal for the leftist establishment, and not just in Europe. This stuff is standard fare among the folks at Daily Kos, where they're known to celebrate "Happy Twin Towers Day." Moreover, in the non-shocker of the month, the Obama administration is busy with its push to eradicate the historical memory of September 11, which is alleged as a "Republican day and "an obstacle to winning over the hearts and minds of the American people."

So, forget this faux condemnation: The WWF ad is totally of a piece with both the ideological foundations of the global anti-American left AND the core agenda of the Obama administration's ideological program.


UPDATE: Reference to the BBC has been corrected ... credit to Repsac3.


  1. Please don’t twist this story for your own extreme political agenda, and please check your facts:

    This was a fake ad created by Bazillians, it was never authorized or approved by WWF, and has nothing to do with the ‘leftist movement’ or whatever you’re trying to imply.

    Sure, it was awarded a merit at One Show (what were there thinking?!) but that is a non-profit organization – based in New York, it’s in no way connected to the BBC.

  2. Yea, All Democrats hate and want to destroy America. Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah.

    I'm a Republican, but try not to admit in public because of the idiots in the party making stupid statements

  3. Anon: Stop commenting here if you don't have a blog and valid e-mail address.

    The WWF ad ran in Israel (it wasn't "fake"), and if it was "never authorized or approved by WWF" and if the award agency was "in no way connected to the BBC," why are BBC lawyers busy deleting the websites and record for the issuance of the award?

    Go away, loser.

  4. You're citing a post about your post at another right-wing blog--that by the way, doesn't say anything about BBC lawyers busy deleting the websites and record for the issuance of the award--as "proof" that you're right? Would you accept that kinda thing from a student? (or, from ANYONE?!?)

    Just one of the errors/intentional falsehoods that appears in the post: This: BBC - The One Show - home has nothing whatsoever to do with this: 2009 Enter One Show / Enter One Show.

    The idea that you can smear everyone with a given political viewpoint if anyone with that viewpoint does something wrong is getting tired and old.

    No wonder folks--including some Republicans, as noted above--no longer take you seriously...

  5. Wow! Where you been, Reppy?

    Months of evidence against the nihilist left's infilitration of the Obama admin got you down?

    Conservatives are all over the WWF story, Reppy. And you're forgetting about deduction and inference, but of course you don't know how to think. See, 'BBC Deletes The One Show 'Merit Award' for WWF 9/11-Tsunami Ad'.

  6. Rep,

    You are kidding aren't you? If you believe this commenter is now a Republican you are weed out, STONED. RINO maybe and a poor one at that with reading skills to match.
    I have a bridge you might be interested in.
    At least Anon is stay true to his dissembling and outright lies.

  7. Wow! Where you been, Reppy?

    Months of evidence against the nihilist left's infilitration of the Obama admin got you down?

    Nope, I just decided that you'd sunk far enough on your own that folks didn't need me to explain it to 'em. Beside, you're just a downer, professor... Always whinin' about somethin' or other that the mean old Democrats did, are doing, or may do in future. I don't need that kinda negativity in my life.

    Nice to know you missed me though.

    Conservatives are all over the WWF story, Reppy.

    Yes, they are... But as usual, they're preaching to their own insular, echo-chamber choir, as your link to a post about your own post on the subject pretty clearly shows.

    And you're forgetting about deduction and inference, but of course you don't know how to think.

    So you say...

    So fine. Be a professor and explain how deduction and/or inference makes your post any less factually false.

    Show us one publication that ran the ad as a public service advertisement, here, in Israel, or in Brazil. Yes, it appeared in the media as a winner in an advertising contest, but no one (except you & perhaps a few of you clones) are saying it was ever run in print or any other way as a legit ad.

    Show the link between One Show, the not-for-profit advertising org based in NY, and the British Broadcasting Company, or their BBC1 show, The One Show (as in BBC1).

    See, 'BBC Deletes The One Show 'Merit Award' for WWF 9/11-Tsunami Ad'.

    Nope, you didn't show any link between the BBC and One Show at that post either, though you did repeat the erroneous claim. In fact, you'll note that Darlene of Protein Wisdom makes no mention of the BBC in her post on the subject, which makes one wonder where you got that false nugget from.

    (Clue: You cannot use your own blog post--or a blog post that cites and essentially quotes your blog post--as proof that you're correct. You need to use an unbiased, independent source. Even FoxNews/NY Post/Wall Street Journal or The Washington Times would be a step in the right direction.)

    Anyway, it is sweet that you missed me. Perhaps because of that, I'll poke around a little more & see what other silliness you're peddling as fact, just for old times sake. (Hell, maybe I'll be inspired to come on back full time... 8>)

  8. I'm only goin' by the words he wrote, Dennis.

    Now I know that here in AP-land, there's nothin' but real conservatives like you, and the rest of the world, who likes, cheats, and steals, but I'm willing to accept what folks say at face value unless--as with Dr Don, here--I can prove their words ain't worth the electrons they're printed with.

    So sure, Mike may be lying... but the guy says he's a Republican--though yeah, that may mean "McCain supporter"--and I've no reason to doubt him apart from the fact that he disagrees with you & Dr Douglas (at least one of whom was also a McCain supporter, almost from the get-go). You're welcome to believe whatever you will, of course...

    "At least Anon is stay true to his dissembling and outright lies."

    All your dishonestness has belong to Him.

  9. Still up to your old tricks. Nice to see you exhibit the same attributes you ascribe to others. Your dishonesty becomes you as usual.
    I kind of enjoy watching you spin your wheels.
    NOTE: You have no value as a critic because you gave up your credibility a long time ago.
    Quick resort to your fallback position of calling names, dissembling, et al.
    Are you and Anon the same people?

  10. Donald Douglas said... Anon: Stop commenting here if you don't have a blog and valid e-mail address.

    Donald: Why allow anonymous comments if you can't handle a little criticism?

    I'm just trying to keep you people honest.

    And I can't believe you're still referring to the 'BBC' One Show. If you're going to use Google to check your facts, at least use credible sources.

  11. Don't tell me, Dennis, show me.

    I call people names? Quote me. Point it out.

    I ascribe a particular behavior to people, and then do the same thing myself? That's easy to say, but would be more effective if you were to actually point out an example or two of my doing so.

    When you don't, it gets people to wondering why not, and whether your claims have any merit.

    Yeah, the accusations round here come easy, but often, their worth is pretty low.

    Congrats to Don on finding a WWF guy in Brazil with bad judgement, though. It's lookin' like someone in WWF-Brazil did approve the ad, and that it might've run one time there, to make it eligible for the One Show (& other) advertising shows & contests. Good luck on selling the "...& therefore EVERYONE --at WWF/in the environmental movement/that ever recycled a soda bottle-- is guilty" meme that I'm sure he has in the works.

    Still waiting on the BBC One Show = One Show advertising non-profit expose, though... I'm sure it'll be a Doocy (This. Is. Huge!!), and that Donald will be the first to let us know if it doesn't pan out, since he's so big on the "Blogger wrong!" front... (...when it comes to libs, anyway. Donald seldom admits his own errors, and almost never apologizes for them, even when he does admit to making one.)
