Friday, October 23, 2009

Collapse: A Documentary Film by Chris Smith

Just now, in my in-box, from crazed former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney:
Hello! As many of you know, Mike Ruppert is singularly responsible for confirming from the inside what many of us on the outside knew: that the black community didn't have the infrastructure to import and distribute crack cocaine from which it still reels today, but the CIA did.

Mike was on it on September 11th! And explained it to us in his book, "Crossing the Rubicon."

Mike is on it in his film CoLLapse, and explains it to us in his new book, "A Presidential Energy Policy."

Mike has taken many bullets for us, so that we may know the truth. Now, several more have been fired at him, but we must deflect them and not allow them to (do what they want to do with all of us with targets on our foreheads and) put this warror down. Mike needs our help.

It turns out that Variance Publications is refusing to publish Ruppert's book, A Presidential Energy Policy: Twenty-Five Points Addressing the Siamese Twins of Energy and Money.

The book overlaps with the release of Collapse, a film by director Chris Smith, and featuring Ruppert in an Errol Morris, "Fog of War," kind of documentary experience. I found
this review:

The latest documentary from American Movie director Chris Smith takes the form of Errol Morris’ The Fog Of War, and in conspiracy theorist Michael Ruppert, he’s found a subject just as mesmerizing and irreducible as Robert McNamara. A former LAPD narcotics officer and independent journalist, Ruppert’s current obsession is the issue of “peak oil,” the concern that oil production has reached its apex and as fossil fuels decline, our entire industrial infrastructure will collapse along with it. Ruppert has the sort of apocalyptic vision that would make him perfect for Glenn Beck’s “War Room”—or Stephen Colbert’s “Doom Bunker,” for that matter—but he’s not an ideologue, which makes his Chicken Little scenarios more authentic even before you’re confronted with his confident voice and meticulously crafted arguments. That said, Collapse is by no means an endorsement of Ruppert’s worldview; Smith has enough respect for his audience to allow them to sort out whether he’s a soothsayer or a crackpot. It’s possible to come out of the film thinking, “Oh my God, we’re all doomed,” but there’s also a strong suggestion that Ruppert has walled himself into his own point-of-view by accepting only the information that supports his sweeping theories. And in several immensely poignant moments, we can also see an angry, lonely, vulnerable man whose life epitomizes the title as much as the globe does. There are many layers to the man and the movie, and I for one left the theater shaken. Grade: A.
The Collapse webpage is here. I have absolutely no confidence in "peak oil" theories, and since Cynthia McKinney's making the big endorsement above, rest assured Collapse - for all its rave reviews - is in firm company with harline leftist "crisis of capitalism" conspiracies. Might be worth a look for entertainment value, in any case.

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