Monday, October 5, 2009

New Orleans ACORN-SEIU Property for Sale

From Don Surber, "ACORN for Sale, $835,000":

The big news from Big Government is that the ACORN Headquarters in New Orleans is up for sale. The property was also the home of Local 100 of the SEIU, the union that pushed the presidential candidacy of former ACORN lawyer, Barack Obama.

The IRS and the state filed tax liens of $548,000 and $26,026 against ACORN in New Orleans,
Sweetness and Light reported.

The asking price is $835,000.
The listing is here.
I just like that campaign ad spot above, "No matter how many people rise to their defense, if ACORN becomes politically toxic … game over. "

Hat Tip:
Big Government.

1 comment:

  1. I think the GOP should buy it and turn it into a Headquarters, but at a reduced price of 400K, of course.

    I mean, ACORN gave Obama his presidency, so it seems fitting ACORN can give the GOP a building to defeat him in 2102. Kind of a "what goes around comes around" type of thing.
