Monday, October 12, 2009

Obama to SEIU: 'We Are Going to Paint the Nation Purple'

Truly creepy video from January 2008:

Hat Tip: The Lonely Conservative.


  1. Not as creepy as a married 40-something posting "babe" pictures on his blog.

  2. I don't think it's too big a stretch to say that when he does ask for his civilian security force, there's a good possibility that it'll have the inistials S.E.I.U.

  3. So where do you and your supporters buy the foil needed for those tin foil hats? Do you guys get them at Costco for wholesale price?

  4. So JFTS, Where do moral reprobates like yourself get your ideas? Local ACORN or SEIU offices?

  5. To Greywolfe: I don't get it from some fairy tale book talking about some ridiculous "god"

  6. It never ceases to amaze me the amount of hatred the left has in them. They preach tolerance and then belittle those that believe different than they.

    Take the drive by crap thrower that stopped in here. He uses a name that he knows will provoke Christians instead of trying to make rational arguments.

    He belittles a person because they believe in something that his bankrupt soul can't fathom. His need for the profane shows a shallowness of life that one must conclude comes from a very hedonistic and narcissistic view of life.

    I really do pity people like him, because he'll always be nothing more than a tool for those that will in time remove all of his Freedoms and Liberties.

  7. and how would you know that im part of the "left"?
