Sunday, November 8, 2009

Bill O'Reilly on Leftist Fort Hood Coverage: 'The Guard Has Changed'

Bill O'Reilly on the left-wing press coverage of the Fort Hood rampage:

"We did 5 million viewers at 8 O'Clock, wiped out CNN and MSNBC, wiped them off the face of the earth. The guard has changed in this country. The media guard has changed. And you know why people came in here, because they knew they were going to get an honest story. They weren't going to get spin that Hasan is some kind of post-traumatic syndrome victim. Some kind of victim of a terrible public policy gone awry. They're not going to get that..... I almost said a bad word. They're not going to get that garbage here."
Yep, and check Atlas Shrugs, "Round-Up of Jihad in America Just This Past Month":

Since mid-October, here are the highlights of jihad activity in America. Don't tell the media or the authorities, they are busy searching behind Nidal Hasan's jihad.
Also, from the Chicago Boyz, "The New York Times of Cable News":

It’s no wonder that Fox seems to be driving all the major stories these days. It’s simply a matter of sheer mindshare. A story on Fox reaches more people. When Fox decides something is news it becomes news whether anyone else likes it or not.

Fox is supplanting the role long played by the New York Times and the Ochs-Sulzberger family that owns the 88% of the paper. For nearly 50 years, the Times has sent out its headline for the next day out on the wire and newspapers and broadcasters have en masse synchronized their own stories to whatever the NYT decided to cover. The Ochs-Sulzbergers ultimately decided what was and was not news for the entire country.
Hat Tip: Glenn Reynolds.

Added: Hummers & Cigarettes, ""Homegrown Hate": Are The MSM Finally Opening Their Eyes?"

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