Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fanatical U.S. Muslims Cheer Fort Hood Massacre

Via Fausta's Blog and CNN, U.S. Muslims cheering the bloody mayhem at Fort Hood:



  1. I wish that more Americans would take their privileged heads out of the sands of change and read these posts, most especially, the current administration. Muslims have never come out as a group to discredit any of the horrors perpetuated against Americans. If we are not hated by Muslims, then we are at the very least, resented, and possibly despised in a way that only the jealous can muster. And yet, it is the United States that released a high-jacked country, Iraq, from the conveniently forgotten thugs of Sadaam Hussein; sent young Afghanistan women to school without burkas, and subdued the pathetic, sexually frustrated, misogynistic Taliban. Wake up America! Iranians are building nukes while Obama and his far left dream dreams of love and respect from all people of the world. Dreams based on feelings, childish wishes, and velvet, but empty, speeches.


    Dear Rusty Walker, you are an arrogant and ignorant american.

    Your statement reveals your ignorance:
    "And yet, it is the United States that released a high-jacked country, Iraq, from the conveniently forgotten thugs of Sadaam Hussein; sent young Afghanistan women to school without burkas, and subdued the pathetic, sexually frustrated, misogynistic Taliban"

    You honestly believe we went into Iraq to relieve it of its dictatorship thugs?

    Women without burkas?

    Pathetic, sexually frustrated, misogynistic Taliban?

    You probably have disagreements with your neighbors as to the location of the trash buggies.

    You are ignorant, judgmental, self-righteous. These are the reasons NO country comes out and raves about the "great land of America". Have you taken a look at Americans lately? Not a model society by any stretch of the imagination.

    By the mere fortune of birth you can sit back, strum your guitar, and judge the rest of the world. You are very shallow and mean. ALL humans deserve freedom not just the ones the grand old USofA determines shall have it.

  3. I am far from ignorant or arrogant, but, well, you don't know me. I never attack people on this blog that are free Americans trying to express opinions on world affairs. And I don’t know you, so I won’t try to figure out your hostility over my feeling of dread for the women under Taliban rule. I am not a mean person, Anonymous, I have Muslim friends, Atheists, and Christian alike.

    “ALL humans deserve freedom not just the ones the grand old USofA determines shall have it.”

    We finally found something we agree on, Anonymous. I would love to see the people of Iraq and Afghanistan free to choose their own fate.
