Thursday, November 5, 2009

Jon Voight at Capitol Hill Health Care Protest‎: 'Obama's Only Success is Taking America Apart'

From Freedom's Lighthouse, "Jon Voight Delivers Great Speech at Anti-ObamaCare Rally On Capitol Steps":

Jon Voight speaking today in D.C.: "President Obama's only success is taking America apart piece by piece."

See also, Gateway Pundit, "
It's On and IT'S MASSIVE- “Kill the Bill Rally” In DC!" (Via Memeorandum.)

Plus, the Politco, "
Tea Parties Descend on Capitol."


  1. jon voight for president! i met mr. voight a few years ago at george mason. i was an extra for the movie national treasure 2. he stood off set after a meal break and shook the hands of all 200 of us extras. the energy this man emits reminds me of a president we once had, i think he too was an actor, what was his name?

  2. Reagan, yes, and look where he got us. If it weren't for Nancy, he couldn't remember his own name. Great actor, terrible President. Jon Voight reminds me of Chuck Heston. Same fundemental drubbing, guns and all. I don't blame Angelina from taking a wide berth around this man. He's dangerous.

  3. Jon Voight is a hero for speaking the truth. Hollywood is not a world that promotes conservative values. He is man enough to stand up for what is right. I am a nurse and am pro-life. How would you like to work under laws that will not protect you from loosing a license or job if you refuse to assist with an abortion? As for the personal attack on Jon Voight, I can relate to his circumstances. I divorced many years ago and my daughter who is thirty two years old now is only now beginning to welcome a closer mother/daughter realtionship. I have moved to be closer to her as she is going to have a son this winter. Life has its challanges and we have to learn from them no matter if we are famous or otherwise. Please learn to take care of our Constitution and wake up to what people like Jon Voight have gone out of their way to show us.

  4. Molly, history speaks otherwise re: Reagan ...

    ... tens of millions liberated from tyranny.

    ... REAL nuclear-arms reductions.

    ... facilitating the end of the Cold War.

    ... revitalizing a moribund economy, primarily by giving people a reason to hope that they could pursue happiness more than they had to render unto Caesar.

    Let me tell you what is dangerous ... submitting your health care to government control, which will be the end result of ANY "Public Option". That will make your worst nightmares about the PATRIOT Act look downright libertarian by comparison.

  5. From his last public trash I now will never watch this actor again.. I loved Jon Voight until he joined that ralley against health care. He does not care he is rich But not us.

  6. I ignore all of the Hollywood airheads because they seem to be lockstep Marxists bent on destroying the very capalism that made them multi-millionaires. Jon Voight has changed my mind about that. God bless him. Has anyone else read far enough into the health care bill to find out that there will be a felony jail sentence for anyone who can't afford insurance if this ever passes? In 2016 the CHEAPEST government plan for a family will be $15,000 under this plan. That is on top of the tons of new taxes that everyone will be paying to try to keep the federal budget afloat. The poor will end up locked up in droves....
