Thursday, November 5, 2009

Michele Bachmann on Today's Anti-ObamaCare Protests: 'The People Have Spoken!'

Here's today's statement from Michele Bachmann's campaign operation:

Dear Patriot,

As I write this note, thousands of everyday Americans have come to Washington to speak their mind about the misguided health care bill that Speaker Pelosi and President Obama are pushing through Congress.

What an awe-inspiring sight! These people came by plane, by train, by car and by bus. They drove overnight and they gave up their precious free time to share one message with this Congress: Keep your hands off my health care!

Less than one week from when I put out the call to the American people to come to Washington and pay this emergency house call on Congress, they're here and they're ready to stand up for their freedoms.

But, even as I stand here with these thousands of American people - moms, dads, grandparents all united by a love of what makes America great - the Democrats are setting their sights on me.
In fact, it is because I stand with you and these other great Americans that the liberals are doing all they can to demean my work in Congress.

And, that's why I need your help. They'll come at me with both guns, putting millions of dollars into spreading lies about me and my work here in Congress. Can you help me with your most generous contribution today?

Here's what the Democratic National Committee (DNC) had to say about the awesome power of the American people as they gathered on the West lawn of the U.S. Capitol today:

"If the Republican party wants to make Michele Bachmann the voice of the party, that's more than fine with us. We'll help circulate the petition. ... It's their extreme right-wing, rigid ideological agenda that has Americans leaving the Republican Party in droves - and so, if displays like today are what they think is a smart political strategy, all we can say is: go for it."

They still don't get it.
Today wasn't about me. And, it wasn't about any extreme agenda. It was about the American people and what mainstream America believes and supports and wants from their Congress.

I need your help to stay in Congress fighting for you. Your support means that I can keep fighting:

  • Against the cap and tax national energy tax and for true energy independence
  • Against government takeover of your health care and for consumer control of your health care decisions
  • For accountability from your government
  • For lower taxes, less red tape, and greater economic freedom for the American people
  • For an end to the same old Washington double speak that bails out Wall Street at the expense of America's continued prosperity
  • For continued American exceptionalism in the world

Will you help me with your most generous donation today? I cannot continue this fight without you and I promise you that I will never shrink from a fight to protect your liberty and your all-American opportunity to prosper.

God Bless You and Thank you!

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann.

Please join me in supporting Congresswoman Michele Bachmann.

Click here to make a contribution.

Image Credit: Felicia Cravens.


  1. I'm SO sick of them repeating the same old canard 'rigid''extremists' pulling the GOP down with our 'purist' demands.

    The TRUTH is that the GOP is not representative of conservatives in America anymore. Endorsing the likes of Specter and Scozzafava is what is putting the GOP on the losing track. Why on God's green earth would we even bother to finance that??!

    What they're saying is a damn lie and they know it.

    I'm glad there was a good turnout Thursday in Wash DC - and I was with them in spirit.
