Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Nancy Pelosi: 'We Won Last Night'

From Nice Deb, "Video: Nancy Pelosi Positively Giddy Over Election Night Results":

It's an ominous sign that she sees the NY-23 race as “a victory for health-care reform and other initiatives”, never mind the fact that Democrat Bill Owens campaigned against the public option. This is all the more reason to answer Michelle Bachmann’s call and head out to DC, tomorrow to protest ObamaCare if at all possible. You can also protest at your home state’s capital if a trip to DC is too much.

As for her bogus claim that the Owens win was a first for a Dem in that district “since the Civil War” … Please – are all Democrats
using Daily Kos talking points, now?
Also, Conservative Xpress, "Nancy Pelosi On Election Results: "We Won Last Night" (Video)" (with a link to the Politico, "Pelosi Dismisses Dem Losses in Virginia and New Jersey")


  1. Let Nancy wallow in the world of make believe all she wants. Last night's election results have partially restored my faith in my fellow Americans, at least for the time being.

    I will feel much better if the electoral bloodbath I am praying for actually happens this time next year, and these 60's burnout, anti-American Marxist pukes are sent packing for good.

    Then we will have to keep a close eye on the repubes in congress, lest they stray from the formula as they did in the 1990s.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Someone should tell her about what a Pyhrric victory is, but I doubt she graduated from high school. Just another machine pol with no brains and fewer ethics.
