Sunday, November 8, 2009

Obama Predicts Senate Passage of Health Care Monstrosity: Meanwhile, Lieberman Pledges Filibuster

As noted this morning, all eyes are on the Senate following House passage of the disastrous ObamaCare monstrosity. But we knew this was coming -- the president is doubling down: "Obama Predicts Senate Passage of Health Care Bill After 'Historic' House Vote":

But Senator Joseph Lieberman, appearing of Fox News Sunday, pledged to filibuster a Senate bill that includes the public option:

If the public option plan is in there, as a matter of conscience, I will not allow this bill to come to a final vote because I believe debt can break America and send us into a recession that’s worse than the one we’re fighting our way out of today. I don’t want to do that to our children and grandchildren.
Interestingly, it turns out that Obama personally lobbied Representative Joseph Cao for his support on the House side. CNN reports, "Lone GOP vote came after call from President Obama." (Via Memeorandum.) But check Micelle Malkin, "Health Care Takeover Roll Call Vote — and What GOP Rep. Joseph Cao Got From Obama; Plus: Organizing for America Hustles More Money."

Dan Riehl's giving Cao the
benefit of the doubt. But Proud Conservative Gal's got Cao's number (don't doubt a "Dump Cao" campaign in the very near future):
This traitor needs to go. The GOP needs to quit funding the campaigns of RINOS such as him. I find it interesting that one twitterer who responded to a tweet that I posted advocating that he needs to be voted out responded with "Unfortunately he is as conservative as we are getting in that district." ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" ABSOLUTELY NOT! The time for compromise is over. We need to raise up true red blooded conservatives all across the nation that will run to unseat RINOS who run on the coattails of our party and then support their own radical liberal agendas. Can you say Dede?

Are you mad as "HELL" yet? If not get off your apathetic arses and join in with the millions of conservative voices that will fight with every last breath to win back our party and save the Country that we love from descending into the abbys of SOCIALISM.

We keep hearing politicians throw around terms such as this corporation or that institution is too big too fail. Americans let get this straight......AMERICA IS TOO BIG TO FAIL! We need to keep fighting. I for one will never give. Lets's send a message to Cao and his ilk....Votes have consequences so start packing!
Let that be a lesson for the upcoming Senate health care vote. It's unlikely that any GOP senators will defect, not even Olympia Snowe. But it pays to keep score on these things.

See also, Pat in Shreveport, "
Anh Joseph Cao - One is the Loneliest Number."

1 comment:

  1. Great discussion. I'm linking this post on my blog.

    I can no longer tolerate the liberal RINOs.

    If there are districts that can only be represented by a big government leftist (whether there's an "R" or a "D" after their name) so be it. But the GOP should know that conservative are fed up and will no longer continue to fork over the cash, just to see it wasted on RINO shenanigans.

    What have principled members of the GOP gotten for their investment in Cao?
