Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ralph Peters on Obama's Fort Hood Memorial: 'Not One Mention of Terrorism'

Via Pat Dollard, "Ralph Peters Pissed at Obama's Ft. Hood Speech":

Note that Peters predicted as much in his essay today, "Deadly Denial: Fudging the Facts on Fort Hood":
As President Obama belatedly appears at Fort Hood today, will he dare to speak the word "terror?"

He won't use the word "Islamist." If he mentions Islam at all, it'll be to sing its praises yet again.

We've already learned that Islamist terrorist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan attended the Northern Virginia mosque of Imam Anwar al-Aulaqi, a fiery al Qaeda supporter who later fled the United States. We know that Hasan's peers, subordinates and patients repeatedly raised red flags that his superiors suppressed. We know he was a player on Islamist-extremist Web sites. The FBI's uncovering one extremist link after another.

But to call this an act of terrorism, the White House would need an autographed photo of Osama bin Laden helping Hasan buy weapons in downtown Killeen, Texas. Even that might not suffice.

Islamist terrorists don't all have al Qaeda union cards in their wallets. Terrorism's increasingly the domain of entrepreneurs and independent contractors. Under Muslim jurisprudence, jihad's an individual responsibility. Hasan was a self-appointed jihadi.

Yet we're told he was just having a bad day.
More at the link.


  1. WHAT IF?
    What if Barack Obama had been President on December 8, 1941?
    President Obama gives speech on the attack on Pearl Harbor at music awards dinner.
    Thank you ladies and gentlemen this has been a great event. Let me send a shout out to the great bandleader and Metal of Honor winner, there he is Count Bassie. Stand up Count. Man I just love your songs. Aboom, boom a de woop, boom, boom a skee bop. You and me are going to have to take the A-train together. You can count on that. Anyway yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in me—the United States of America, for which I am the President, was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces associated with Japan. Hey, there's Billie Holliday, You go girl with that strange fruit shit. I just hope that's not a gay slur or I'll have to have J. Edgar haul you in for a hate crime. Now we're not going to jump to conclusion or have a rush to judgment, because we believe that this attack came from an isolated carrier group acting on their own,that just happens to be Japanese. Yes it was a terrible act of violence, where we lost many ships and military personnel. That I am Commander in Chief of, but we can't rush to judgment and start to attack the wonderful peace loving nation of Japan. Which has a long history as a peaceful warrior society.
