Thursday, December 10, 2009

Americans in Pakistan Linked to al Qaeda: Obama 'Mum' on U.S. Extremists Who Pledged to Fight Jihad Against the West!

From the Wall Street Journal, "Americans Detained in Pakistan Found to Have al Qaeda Links":

Five young Americans detained in eastern Pakistan had developed contacts with al Qaeda operatives through the Internet and were on their way to North Waziristan to join a militant training camp, said a senior Pakistani intelligence official.

All of them -- students in their 20s from northern Virginia -- were arrested this week in the garrison town of Sargodha at the house of an activist of Jaish-e-Mohammed, an outlawed Pakistani militant outfit with known links to the Taliban and al Qaeda.

The suspects arrived in Pakistan last month. They are being interrogated by Pakistani intelligence agencies and the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, the intelligence official said.

The intelligence official said information gleaned from their laptop computers and other material recovered from the suspects established their links with the militant network operating from the lawless tribal region bordering Afghanistan.

He said the men came in contact with al Qaeda through its local operatives in Pakistan. Police have also seized some jihadist literature from the house where they were arrested.

Usman Anwar, police chief of Sargodha, told reporters that the men admitted that they had come to Pakistan with the intention of joining jihad.

"We watched them for one and a half days and then arrested them," Mr. Anwar said. Police also arrested an employee of the federal highway department who was identified only by the name Fahim.
But check Jihad Watch, "Obama Mum on Arrests of American Muslims in Pakistan, Praises "Muslim-American Community":

In Oslo to pick up his Nobel Peace Prize for Nothing, Obama praises the advances Muslims in America have made since 9/11. And it's true: since 9/11 Muslims in this country have made great strides. They have suffered no widespread "backlash," despite constant media handwringing over the prospect, no discrimination. Americans should be proud of that.

At the same time, American Muslim advocacy groups have been extraordinarily successful in portraying any discussion of the texts and teachings that Islamic jihadists use to justify violence and supremacism, and to make recruits among peaceful Muslims, as "bigoted" and "hateful." This has hamstrung anti-terror efforts, as it has forestalled any thorough examination of the jihad doctrine and ideology by law enforcement officials, and has led them to take many who are not on our side as allies -- including some of those same American Muslim advocacy groups.
Yeah, and one of those advocacy groups would be CAIR, with executive director Nihad Awad seen above, "cautioned against hasty conclusions about the episode." (And see, Frontpage Magazine, "CAIR's Strategy of Deception.")

And the left's Islamo-terrorist enablers are already out with apologies and threat-downgrading. For example, Spencer "God Willing" Ackerman, "
About That Domestic Radicalization," and "A Mixed Picture on Domestic Radicalization?"

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