Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Trains

I'll be on the road for a day-trip today. Be back tonight, since my wife's working and I'd like us to be together on Christmas Eve. I'm heading out to my mom's house in Yucca Valley. She's got something of a family reunion cooked up, with my uncle and all his kids and grandkids, etc. My sister'll be there with her family as well. In any case, I thought I'd leave a few shots from our holiday choo-choo train we set up a couple of nights ago. The train's actually moving in the pictures here. Notice the second shot down, with Batman and the Joker in battle mode on the tail end of the caboose. My youngest boy's been having a good time playing with the train. We actually bought it when my first son as about a year-old, and we've set it up each Christmas since. The smokestack puffs little balls of smoke and the bell rings "ding-ding" pretty loud.

Have a wonderful day and finish your shopping. I'll be back online late tonight or early Thursday. Merry Christmas! My good friend Jan has
a picture posted of her Christmas tree as well, so check that out: "Sending Peace..."


  1. Thanks Philippe! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  2. Dr.D,
    I had an electric train when I was a kid. It really stunk from the smell of the sparking on the tracks, but it was fun. My brothers and I constructed a whole town for the train to run through. It wasn't as nice as this one, but it was a lot of fun.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  3. Awesome train set! Thanks for sharing and thanks for the memories! My brother and I always had a train set up for Christmas as kids featuring train high speed derailing on the curves and/or crashes, as well.

    Merry Christmas, thanks hard work you do fending off the in-coming, while relentlessly posting the latest news and crises!
