Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Do You Support the 'National Strike' Scheduled for January 20?

William Jacobson makes the case against the National Strike scheduled for January 20, 2010, "Drop the “National Strike”":

Even if millions of people participated, there still would be hundreds of millions of people who did not participate for reasons having nothing to do with whether they supported the philosophy behind the boycott. The impact would be barely noticeable, and the movement would be derided as empty.

That is the difference between a protest and a boycott. A national protest involving a million people is a big deal and huge success. A national strike involving a million people is an abysmal failure. Choose your political weapon carefully.

Want to do something productive around the time of the State of the Union address? Start organizing against Democrats who vote in favor of Obamacare. All politics is local, and we need to start now to vote the bums out.
More here.

Arguments in favor
here and here.

William makes a good argument, although I can see why folks might favor a national strike against the administration: Folks are tired of getting the fist:

See also, "Merry Fist-mas Media Matters… No, We’re Not Finished Yet."

1 comment:

  1. ...Somewhere someone got things mixed up.

    This is a call for a national strike, not a boycott.

    This is a call for national direct action, not an extra shopping day.

    This is a call for all good men and women to come out of the shadow the media has shoved us into and let the sunshine on our faces. And let them be seen by other citizens and those who would be our masters.

    This is NOT a call to give a donation to our local and national GOP to continue to openly defy the will of the people or sit around and say it there is nothing they can do to stop this madness.

    If you think one day of absentee employees and minimal big ticket item sales is such a bad thing for small business, wait till Obamacare taxes kick in. Small business owners should take the day off and take to the streets with the rest of us. They out of us all have the most to lose.

    If you will lose your job if you take the day off, go to work. Then educate your co-workers about the situation, gather who you can and go to your Congress creatures office on Saturday as a group.

    No plan survives contact with the enemy. A change in tactics is needed. Sitting around and sending money to the Republicans has got us into this situation. When The elephant made protecting business instead of freedom their job number one, they forfited the right to tell me what is best. If you want our support, republicans will have to earn it. Looking down your nose at us and stating your the only game in town will assure only one thing...that your party will be Whigs 2.0. COME to us, stand with us and quit for just one day dismissing anything that does not maximize the coffers of your party as ineffective. Since you have been so effective at stopping the Obama train wreck, a little humility might be in order for a change. Lead, follow, or get the hell out of our way.

    NATIONAL STRIKE JAN 20, 2010 to coincide w/ STATE OF UNION SPEECH NATIONWIDE STRIKE over Obamacare...

    Call into work sick. Buy nothing. Find a union hall, congress creature office, State or Federal building and form picket lines. Come ready to party...

    NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE! Put that right back in their face!


    If the left wants grassroots movements, then by God let us give it to them!...
