Wednesday, December 16, 2009

E.D. Kain Denies 'Disciplinary Action' as Motive for Workplace Intimidation!

E.D. Kain has yet to post an apology, but I did find more clues to his completely unhinged denialism at American Nihilist:

For the record, I didn't ever attempt to have disciplinary action taken against Douglas. I simply vented my frustrations.
Look, the evidence is out there, and I've documented repeatedly E.D. Kain's campaign of workplace intimidation and harassment. And the reason for contacting someone's place of work is more than intuitively obvious: The motive can only be explained by an overwhelming desire to crush the target. The possibility of losing one's job is so unacceptable that it brings about a change of behavior in the subject of the intimidation campaign. It's an under-the-belt attack on someone's livelihood. And of course, one does not "vent" to a total stranger who happens to be the chairman of the political science department of the target! ("Venting"? This is so fantastically monumentally absurd.) The fact is, making contact with my department chair was done precisely to get me to STFU. And why not? Who can afford to lose their means of economic support? No one, of course, and if they could, they wouldn't be blogging on Blogger! And that's what makes E.D. Kain's campaign so utterly despicable. This is someone who'd rather destroy than debate. It's cowardly yet vicious at the same time, typical of leftists.

See my post on E.D. Kain's pathetic denialism, from this morning: "
E.D. Kain's Double-Standards: Claims of Libel Continue Amid Bleatings to Christian Ethics - Wallowing in Denial, Little Bully Refuses to Apologize!"

And last night, William Jacobson addressed the dangers to employment from partisan blogging, "
Blogging While Employed":

Blogging under one's own name is a choice, but it carries risks for those who have a real job and blog as a pastime. One of those risks is attempts to disrupt the blogger's employment by contacting other people at the employer, particularly the boss. It's happened to me, and I'm sure it has happened to many people on both sides of the political aisle.
And Grizzly Mama left a comment this morning at my post:

I can't believe he contacted your place of employment - not just once but twice. It's Christmas though - Donald - you have to forgive and forget according to him! What a bunch of crap.

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