Wednesday, December 16, 2009

E.D. Kain's Alinsky Rules in Action!

Michael van der Galien, at David Horowitz's Newsreal blog has picked up on E.D. Kain's intimidation campaign, "The Alinsky Rules in Action":

That's a kicker, actually. I hadn't looked at it that way. But, makes sense. The "rules" are here, "Alinsky's Rules for Radicals." But for a perfect comparison to E.D. Kain, see James Lewis, "Barack Obama and Alinsky's Rules for Psychopaths."
Normal people slow down in School Zones where kids might run across the street -- not because they're afraid of getting a speeding ticket but because they can't stand the thought of hurting kids. They don't need to cheat compulsively on wives and husbands to prove how irresistible they are. Normal people have internalized some modesty and humility, and are capable of respect and love for others. A common feature of psychopaths is the inability to feel authentic love and respect for others.
Yep, normal people. Sounds about right. I wrote on E.D. Kain's Alinsky tactics earlier. See, "E.D. Kain Denies 'Disciplinary Action' as Motive for Workplace Intimidation!"

RELATED: Michael van der Galien's blog is

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