Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Eric Holder Visits New York Ahead of 9/11 Terror Trials

At ABC News, "Exclusive: AG Eric Holder in NYC for Terror Trial Summit: Grand Jury Has Already Begun Hearing Testimony on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed" (via Memeorandum).

But see the New York Post, "
Holder Tours Federal Courthouse Ahead of 9/11 Terror Trial":

US Attorney General Eric Holder today toured the jail cells that will house suspected 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four terrorist cohorts in advance of their controversial Lower Manhattan trial.

After a meeting with law enforcement brass — including Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, New York FBI director Joseph Demarest and US Attorney Preet Bharara — Holder walked through the underground tunnel that connects the US District Court house on Pearl Street and the Metropolitan Correctional Center across the street, according to sources.

Amid tight security, Holder poked his head into the holding cells for the five suspects, who will be tried in federal district court in New York after they are transferred from a holding facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The courthouse is just several blocks away from the World Trade Center, which collapsed after the Twin Towers were struck by hijacked planes. Nearly 3,000 people were killed in the attack.

A grand jury began meeting last week to hear evidence presented by prosecutors from Manhattan’s southern district and Virginia’s eastern district, law enforcement sources said. After any indictment is handed up, the Justice Department has to notify Congress 45 days in advance before moving the suspects from Gunatanamo to the US.

Last month, the Justice Department announced that the trials will be held in New York, rather than by military tribunal, setting off sharp debate over whether security here could be adequately shored up to accommodate the terror trial and the role of the American justice system in trying foreign nationals accused of plotting against the United States.

"We have a robust plan developed by both federal and local officials to ensure that these trials can be safely held in New York, and everyone is committed to doing that," said Matthew Miller a Justice Department spokesman.

"We’re ready," said NYPD Chief Joseph Esposito, who attended the meeting.
See also, Jawa Report, "It Begins: Preparations Underway for Fortress Manhattan during 9/11 Terror Trials."

And Mediaite, "
Cheney on Hannity: NYC Terror Trial Will Put 9/11 Plotter “on The Map”‎."

Added: Pat in Shreveport, "Eric Holder Attends Security Summit for 9/11 Terror Trials."

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