Thursday, December 17, 2009

Majority of Americans Don't See Global Warming as Crisis

Fox News has the report, "Majority of Americans Don't See Global Warming as Crisis":

While a majority of Americans believe global warming is happening, far fewer see it as a crisis.

A Fox News poll released Wednesday finds that a 63 percent majority of Americans say they believe in global warming, down from 69 percent earlier this year, and from a high of 82 percent in 2007.

Just over half of Americans (51 percent) believe in "man-made" global warming, that is, believe it is caused by human behavior (33 percent), or by both people and climate patterns (18 percent).

Less than a third (29 percent) believe global warming is caused naturally (11 percent climate patterns and 18 percent both human behavior and climate patterns).

Click here to see the poll.

Among groups, women (58 percent) are somewhat more likely than men (50 percent), and young people under age 30 (59 percent) are more likely than seniors 65 and over (50 percent), to believe in man-made global warming. Democrats (78 percent) are more than twice as likely as Republicans (32 percent) and significantly more likely than independents (54 percent) to believe it exists.
More at the link.

Meanwhile, this is a kicker: "
Blizzard Dumps Snow on Copenhagen as Leaders Battle Warming."

RELATED: Hall of Record, "
Oh, My! Canada - Record Cold Temperatures."

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