Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Michelle Malkin Meets Sarah Palin!

Well, having just met Michelle Malkin, I know how she feels after she and her family met Sarah Palin and hers:

My family and I had the great honor and pleasure of meeting the governor, her husband Todd, adorable baby Trig, her lovely parents, relatives, and friends from near and far. Sarah’s energy is boundless and her ability to connect is unparalleled with any public figure I’ve met in covering politics over the last 17 years. I spoke, for example, with the first family in line for the book signing. They arrived at 4:30am with four kids in tow. Sarah, the father of the family told me, had written a personal letter sending prayers and good wishes for one of their children battling cancer. On the way out, I ran into a soldier in BDUs rushing through the door with Palin’s book in hand. Breathless, he asked: “Do you think there’s any hope I’ll get my book signed?” Given the special attentiveness Palin’s staff paid to military and their families (several Blue Star families got VIP access), I’m sure he got his autograph. There are countless stories like this in every single city she has visited.
Read the whole thing.

Michelle and Governor Palin are photographed as well.


  1. Sarah and Michelle{add Ann Coulter to the mix} have their ever been any women as much hated as these by the left wing loons in the media, pop culture, and far left politics?

    Makes me and "real" Americans like them all the more.

  2. Palin-Malkin in 2012! Make Coulter the campaign manager or something...
