Thursday, December 10, 2009

Obama's Nobel Prize Speech, Oslo, December 10, 2009: More Quintessentially American?

Robert Kagan reacts to President Obama's speech in Oslo today:"

Wow. What a shift of emphasis. Something about this Afghan decision, coupled perhaps with events in Iran, has really affected his approach.

I don't know what to say about an "Obama doctrine," because based on this speech, I think we are witnessing a substantial shift, back in the direction of a more muscular moralism, a la, Truman, Reagan. The emphasis on military power, war for just causes, and moral principles recalls Theoedore Roosevelt's phrase, "the just man armed." There is something much more quintessentially American and traditional about this speech, compared to most of his rhetorical approach throughout the year.

It's always dangerous to draw too many conclusions from a speech, but this is a big one.
I love him, but Kagan's generous. Obambi's reading the electoral tea leaves. His hopey-changey mandate's wearing thin, and the prospect of a single term is forcing him to adapt to the American culture, rather than trying to force Americans to adopt his (post-American culture).

But see the New York Times, "
Accepting Peace Prize, Obama Evokes ‘Just War’." And Memeorandum.


  1. You are a sick man Donald. You really are. But thanks anyway, for sharing it all with us. I am sure we all find it instructive, in our own ways.

  2. Some folks are just brain dead dweebs, Donald. And, you are correct. Obambi is reading the Tea Leaves and how appropriate is that with the Tea Parties floating around giving all the libtards bad days?

  3. Thanks for this information. See you again. obama nobel

  4. The TRUTH is I would take a THOUSAND 'Socialist' Obama's over one idiot bush any day of the week/month/year. President Obama has done MORE for America in one year then bushie tail has done in 8 years - 2.5 of which were at the ranch. Health care reform will PASS and Americans will feel the benefits instead of billions and billions going to Iraq in a war of LIES and not even getting any oil profits in return from Iraq. How is that for gratitude!? The rethugs are braindead and are extremely partisan and many are racist. They would rather say NO to everything and let Americans suffer to regain power for their own benefit. When you have dimwit palin as the frontrunner for the gop, you know you have problems. Nuff said.

  5. I appreciate, the commentary of Donald & his sharing this info. w/ us. Likewise, I appreciate respectful & constructive language in debates & prefer working towards helpful compromises to find optimal solutions in general.

    - Furthermore, I fully agree with "truthbetold" - in her/his latest commentary. I am a 45 yrs old, Norwegian, but hv lived in Calif. 10 years in a 12 yr period 1982-1994. (Reagan, Bush SR., Clinton) Thus, Graduated from U.S. High Scool & U.S. University.

    - Although, I hv bn Student of Finance, Mgt, QA, +++ I hv studied languages, Music, Psych., Philosophy etc. I hv worked in Finance/Private Banking, Oil & Gas Construction, Lux. Hotels/ Restaurants, +++ In US/ France & Norway. I am as far from racist, sexist, etc. as one can get. I fully understand & appreciate how Difficult it must be to assume the position of Prs. of The U.S.A. ... & I believe the U.S. has found the best "Person" (could well hv bn a black, red, yellow, or brown woman...) possible for the job in Mr. B. H. Obama. A gift for the U.S. & a gift for Intl. Relations & the Citizens of the world. (In part why he now received the Nobel Peace Price in Oslo Friday... He is a gift, has been a gift & now received a gift as thanx...)

    - Moreover, as to Miziz. Palin being V.P. candidate for the Rep. Party & thus in pot. position to become Pres. of the U.S. if the Pres. dies or becomes incapaciteted etc. That is just "Fully Scary"!!! The list is long as to her incapacities...: 1) "unjust" local intervention investigated in Alaska (Palin's "unethical & private..." Police chief austing...); 2) Her statements as to Geography in general & "Africa is a country"...?, 3) her (sick (USD500K+++??)) tremendous spendings on clothes, etc. during the campaign... The need finally of the Rep. Party to "put a sock in her mouth" or "dictate her speech" is a stroong & scary move... (Most likely this woman is Narcissistic...) Just look it up in Wikipedia (Official WHO def. of Personality disorder type II or something... or similar U.S. Govt' medical Encyclopedia (same def.) - If Miziz Palin has at least 5 of the 9 symptoms... she would be best of going through treatment... as any one else... with that diagnosis... )
    - All the best to all. Philos.
