Friday, December 4, 2009

Orange County Tea Party Patriots to Protest Nancy Pelosi at Democrats' 15th Annual Harry S. Truman Awards Dinner!

Orange County conservatives are planning a big anti-Pelosi protest late this afternoon in Irvine. You can see the Democratic Party's announcement here:

Megan Barth, my very good friend (and conservative activist par excellence), has an announcement on the action at Red County, "Nancy Pelosi, Key Note Speaker for Harry S. Truman Awards Dinner and Fundraiser":
San Fran Nan is the Key Note speaker this evening, in Orange County, for the Harry S. Truman awards dinner and fundraiser. According to, the awards will be honoring the following people ...
Check Megan's post notes the roster of Democratic luminaries, and then this:
Needless to say, did not sponsor a table or buy a ticket, but if I was a betting woman, which I am, I sense that the Tea Party Patriots may be brewing some tea this evening on MacArthur Blvd. I know I have my boots shined and ready...
I'll be heading down there in a few minutes. Looking forward to joining the local conservative cowboys, and helping them rope in a little ornery excitement!

Tune in here tonight for the report!


  1. That sound you hear below your feet is the sound of Harry Truman rolling over in his grave. Can you imagine his horror at having this elitist/socialist speaking at an event with his name on it? He'd have long laughed Pelosi out of his office, relegating her to the coat closet she deserves.

    Another priceless example of how out of touch the Dem's are today, and how far removed the are from what used to be traditional liberalism...

    Let's hope we put Pelosi out to pasture in 2010!!

  2. Working on the write up right now, Ken

  3. Donald, I think I saw you there.

    Pics and vid here.
