Monday, December 14, 2009

Unions Against ObamaCare?

Not something I expected to see. From CTA, "Health Care Alert":

The current US Senate version of the Health Care bill contains a provision which would tax premiums. CTA research shows this will cost local school districts millions of dollars—money that belongs in our classroom. The provision would inevitably lead school districts to reduce the medical benefits to their employees to avoid paying the excise tax. Some districts will decimate current benefit plans and some may even decide to eliminate specific benefits—such as dental and vision—for educators.
I warned my wife that something like this was going to happen earlier this year.

Plus, the whole "reform" thing is turning out to be a colossal waste of government time, resources, and energy. The New York Times is reporting, "Senate Democrats Likely to Drop Medicare Expansion." (Via Memeorandum.)

RELATED: Ace of SpadesHQ, "
Kabuki Theater: White House Now Instructs Reid to Cut Deal with Joe LiebermanMeh Update: White House Denies Pressure," and the Plum Line, "White House Denies Report They’re Pushing For Deal With Lieberman."

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