Thursday, March 4, 2010

California March 4th: Communists, Students, Teachers, Professors Launch Direct Action to Seize Education!

At the Daily Californian, "Statewide Protests March Forward: Calls for Calfornians' Investment In Public Education Echo Across State on Day of Action."

Across the state of California, students, teachers, professors and unions will demonstrate today in order to convince lawmakers and the public to invest in public education.

In the past six months, UC Berkeley has been an important hub of activism against state divestment in the UC system, as well as public education in general. Today's statewide day of action marks the first time a statewide day of protest will incorporate people from across California in support of the broader cause of public education, from Kindergarten through doctoral program.

In addition to rallies at other university campuses, community colleges and cities throughout the state, the day's events include a rally on the steps of the state Capitol in Sacramento and a protest in front of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's office in San Diego.

"(March 4) is the moment where everybody understands the importance of the idea of a public education," said Kevin Wehr, an assistant professor of sociology at Sacramento State University who has been helping to organize the rally in Sacramento. "We have gotten to the crisis point and people are finally paying attention."

The lack of a singular authority coordinating events has meant that various groups will be taking different approaches toward reaching their respective goals. But one area of agreement is the need to "defend" public education.

Involving the largest possible number of people in the day's events is key to changing the priorities of the state, said Nick Palmquist, a UC Berkeley senior involved in organizing a march from the UC Berkeley campus to Downtown Oakland.

"No matter what the end goal is, we are going to need to have a lot of mass support," he said. "We are not going to be able to succeed without an approach that takes all different groups into consideration and gets them to act together."

And previously:

* "March 4th Day of Action, Internal Divisions: 'The White Student Movement'."

"March 4th Strike and Day of Action: 'Why We're Protesting - A Letter to Parents'."

* "National March 4th Calls for Action and (Communist) Endorsements."

* "Education Protests Add to School Problems."

* "No Cuts to Education! Collectivize!"

* "Unions, Radicals to Protest Education Cuts Across U.S."

* "Shut it Down! March 4th Mobilization - Protest, Strike, Solidarity!."

* "California March 4th Protests: 'Berkeley Pre-Game Communiqué'."

* "
Teachers Unions, Anarcho-Communists Launch 'Day of Action' to 'Occupy California!"

1 comment:

  1. California schools are overcrowded--crammed to its inability to educate and--WHY--you ask. WHY! Is very simple? The schools through k-12 to even college level have been hijacked by millions of illegal alien schools children and students. It's become a heavy burden on not just California, but all border states. It's been spreading like rotten fruit for decades and its now uncontrollable. That the truth of where taxpayers money is going? Its certainly not going for Americas infrastructure that's crumbling. It's not going to our homeless veterans, our senior citizens or single Mothers. The liberal 's assembly in Sacramento have frowned on any law that cuts public subsidies to who ignored our laws of sovereignty. California--has become a--THE SANCTUARY STATE --for these illegal immigrants and families who are robbing each state blind, in health care, education and a long list of supporting program that is costing--BILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

    Steve Poizner, just filed his intention to be Governor and is the perfect candidate to bring California out of the financial doldrums, because he is a anti-illegal immigrant. He has also stated he will cut of all public subsidies to illegal immigrants, which could help stop the draining of the states treasuries of--BILLIONS--of dollars.

    If you want to learn more how laws are being undermined by corruption in Washington go to NUMBERSUSA, JUDICIALWATCH, IMMIGRATIONBUZZ, RIGHTSIDENEWS & DIRECTORBLUE. Or call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 for a more direct approach.
