Monday, March 1, 2010

Conservative is the New Gay?

I'll tell you: I still don't tell some people that I write a hard-hitting (neo)conservative blog. Frankly, most folks at my college wouldn't even know if it weren't for the impotent leftists making desperate but endless workplace threats (hoping to get me to STFU).

Not working, obviously.

In any case, get a kick out of PoliGRRL's piece, "
Conservative: The New “Gay?”:

While it is pretty well known to my family and immediate friends, I don’t usually talk about it to my co-workers or new acquaintances. I’m not sure if I was born this way or if it developed over time though the passion definitely increased over time and my exposure to others of the same bent. Hearing how others talk about it, the demeaning language, the sneering, the derision, causes me to be very guarded. There have even been stories in the news lately about people being beaten up because of it.

Sure, going to parties where everyone else is of the same orientation makes it easier to let my guard down for awhile but, I still am uneasy in case I say the wrong thing in front of the wrong person and it comes back to haunt me. It is a worry when applying for a new job because unlike race and creed, this isn’t protected.

Online is a lot easier because it is more anonymous than the real world. Hiding behind a screen name allows for a freer interaction, but even then it has to be in the right chat room, Twitter feed or Facebook environment because I’ve been slammed, called names, and had my beliefs attacked viciously when I’ve opened up to people.

Coming out of the conservative closet is akin to coming out of the closet as gay or lesbian. Now, before anyone gets all bent out of shape because of the analogy please take a chill pill. I have greater respect and understanding of those who have any type of “secret” that affects their outlook on the world and how the world looks at them.

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