Saturday, March 6, 2010

DeVore Wins California GOP Senate Debate!

Well, according to the DeVore campaign, "DeVore Wins First Debate." There's an audio clip at the link.

Plus, from the Los Angeles Times, "
Three Republicans Fight for the GOP Nomination to Challenge Boxer":

The Republican candidates for U.S. Senate traded foreign policy insults in a tense first debate Friday, with businesswoman Carly Fiorina hitting former Rep. Tom Campbell for associating with supporters of terrorism and Campbell accusing Fiorina's campaign of smearing him as anti-Semitic.

"That whispering campaign, that silent slander stops today," Campbell said, his hands and voice shaking in the first minutes of the hourlong debate on "The Capitol Hour" on KTKZ-AM (1380).

Campbell called for the debate after earlier Fiorina attacks on his congressional record on Israel, including two efforts to trim economic aid to the nation, and for connections with men who later pleaded guilty to or were charged with crimes associated with terrorism.

The debate was Fiorina's first as a political candidate, and the former chief of Hewlett-Packard aggressively confronted Campbell. He shifted from the contest for governor in January and has since led in early polls in the race for the nomination to oppose Democrat Barbara Boxer in November.

"I have been very clear: I do not believe Tom Campbell is an anti-Semite and I have never called him one," Fiorina said. "I do believe Tom Campbell's record is decidedly anti-Israel and many in the Jewish community agree with me."

The third candidate in the race, underdog Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, largely stayed out of the fray, allowing his two competitors to slash each other's records and mostly ignore him. DeVore and Campbell participated face-to-face in the studio with moderator Eric Hogue; Fiorina called in from her home in Los Altos Hills.
RTWT at the link.

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