Tuesday, March 9, 2010

From 'Hurt Locker' to 'Green Zone'

From Kyle Smith, "Hollywood's Weapon of Matt Destruction":

I can’t believe what I just saw, so I’ll think about it some more before I go into detail. But if I were the kind of excitable guy who believes in boycotts, I’d say “Boycott NBC-Universal” for its appalling new anti-American flick “Green Zone,” an absurdly awful would-be actioner that stars Matt Damon as a US warrant officer in 2003 Baghdad.

I would never have accused director Paul Greengrass, who made the astonishingly powerful “United 93,” of being simplistic. But he has made a $100 million war film in which American troops are the bad guys ...
More at the link.

The movie's based on Imperial Life in the Emerald City, a book on the initial occupation by the Washington Post's Rajiv Chandrasekaran. I did not read it, because I did not trust the media elite's left-wing reporting -- and that's notwithstanding the genuine U.S. failures in Iraq after the toppling of the regime. And when reading this review by Kyle Smith, it reminds me that I have no regrets as far as Chandrasekaran's concerned.

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever noticed that all of these films are the same? The only think that changes, rarely, is the leftist target.
    Damon is just another pretty boy with the acting depth of one coat of varnish. Once you have seen him you have seen the complete package. The only thing that changes, a little, is the dialogue.
    It does not help that he works with rather poor limited scripts, with the same plot, and people who haven't had an original idea since their first film.
