Thursday, March 4, 2010

March 4th National Education Mobilization Underway!

It's happening. Here's the action at UC Berkeley's Sather Gate, from Twitpic:

The Washington Post is mainstreaming the protests, and linking to anarcho-communist blogs. See, "A Guide to Today's Protests." And checking the links, WaPo's endorsing this:

Plus, faculty at UC Irvine have cancelled classes in solidarity. See, "UC Faculty Statements for March 4th"

We are writing to encourage you to participate and to allow your students
to miss classes without penalty on March 4 so that they can participate.
I'm teaching today. Students can attend the lunchtime rally on my campus, or late afternoon events. My sense is that students need every minute they can with their teachers. Protest is important, but shutting down a whole university is a bit much, IMHO.

I'll be heading out to the Noon rally. Check back here early afternoon for updates.

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