Saturday, March 6, 2010

Mom Gets Contempt of Court for Taking Kids to Jury Duty

Now this is not right ... "Juror Penalized for Taking Kids to Court: Judge Held Mom Without Child Care in Contempt for Bringing Young Kids to Court":

But see the Detroit Free Press, "Judge's Move to Jail Juror is Criticized by State Court: Mom Had to Weigh Day Care, Civic Duty."

Sounds like a mean judge. That said, courts give potential jurors months to plan ahead. Maybe the mother, Carmela Khury, is an activist.

ADDED: Dana from Common Sense Political Thought, at the comments:
According to the story, she had day care planned, but it fell through at the last minute.

Sounds to me like the judge lacks judgement.
Not an activist, I guess ... ?


  1. According to the story, she had day care planned, but it fell through at the last minute.

    Sounds to me like the judge lacks judgement.

  2. I appreciate the upgrade to the main article!

    As it happens, I'm partially deaf. Even with my hearing aids, sometimes voices are difficult for me. I'm just plain not qualified to be on a jury, because I won't catch everything that is said. I wonder if this judge would be understanding about that.
