Friday, March 19, 2010

November is Coming

Via Instapundit:

Also, a The Corner, "It's Now or Never":
If you want to make your voice heard on the health-care bill before the House votes on Sunday, you’d better do so quickly. To make things easier for you, here, organized in alphabetical order by state, are the 40 key Democratic members of Congress whom Jeff Anderson and Andy Wickersham identified in a Critical Condition post last week, together with their direct Capitol Hill office phone numbers. (I haven’t kept track of all the developments since then, but it would be useful to congratulate or berate your member, as you see fit, if he or she has firmly adopted a position.) ...
Go to the post for the list of names and numbers.

See also, Charlie Martin, "Members of Congress Pressured from All Sides in Final Hours Before Health Care Vote."

Daley Gator, at ResistNet, "Saturday DC Protest Rally....ObamaCare."

RELATED: At Big Government, "The Heat is On: Congressman's Office Says Constituent Calls Are ‘Harassment’" (via Memeorandum).