Saturday, March 27, 2010

Searchlight Tea Party Warns Washington: 'Are We a Threat? You Bet! We Vote!'

Gateway Pundit's got the video. Plus, at the Las Vegas Sun, "Sarah Palin to Tea Party Rally: Don't Sit Down, Shut Up." (Via Memorandum.)

But check out Founding Bloggers, "Pictures From Searchlight Nevada – Tea Party Express Kickoff":


And Robert Stacy McCain scoped things out last night. See, "Eve of the Showdown in Searchlight." Robert's full report is expected later ...


RELATED: At ABC News, "At Nevada Tea Party, Sarah Palin Has Message for Harry Reid, D.C. Establishment: 'You're Fired': 'Showdown in Searchlight' Draws Tea Partiers to Senate Majority Leader Reid's Hometown."

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