Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Shut it Down! March 4th Mobilization - Protest, Strike, Solidarity!

At Indy Bay, "March 4th - Strike - Shut it Down! Take the Streets!," and "Students and Education Workers Gear Up for March 4th":

At Reoccupied, "Reoccupied Solidarity Statement":

Social War must be made! Students to the barricades!
Taking the streets is not enough! Occupy! Fuck shit up!
The university is dead! Kill the Student in your head!
Human strike is now in sight! It’s 2010! It’s time to fight!
Forever’s! Gonna! Start to-night!
Debtors of the world revolt!
Open up the Vortex! Let us all in!

And Atlas Shrugs on the mobilization:


This is a rally on March 4 to stop any cuts to our failed public school system, the laboratories and factories of leftist inculcation and corruption of America's young minds.

An image for UC Riverside:

And from the Daily Californian:

My union yesterday called for a "new revenue model" that taxes corporations. And in my inbox today, from OC Weekly, "A Clockwork Orange: Local Protests Against Education Cuts Draw State Teacher Union's Biggest Guns."

And at Socialist Worker:
* "Why We're Protesting, Part One."

* "
Why We're Protesting, Part Two."

* "
Why We're Protesting, Part Three."
Revolution in the streets. Coming soon.

Check back for updates ...


  1. Where will I be? I'll be hunkered down behind my special toys.

  2. So would the take offense to my Victims of Che poster in my room?

    BTW are there any corporations left in California? I figured they would have either been shut down or moved elsewhere by now.
