Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bob McDonnell Apologizes for Slavery Omission in Confederate History Proclamation

Ben Smith has the announcement, "McDonnell Apologizes" (via Memeorandum). But the best commentary I've read on this is Paul's at Powerline, "The wrong proclamation in Virginia." The problem for me is not so much the damage the controversy might cause the GOP, but the damage to McDonnell himself. That guy was like gold last November. His handling of this episode, diplomatically, one hopes, will go a long way toward preserving his credibility as a national contender. That said, the left won't let go of this, for it's a classic card -- deployed remorselessly against the GOP (even though slavery and segregation were institutions of the Democratic Party) -- that they can slap down endlessly in their recriminations over race. It's frankly all they've got:
If you believe that if we still had segregation we wouldn't "have had all these problems," this is the movement for you. If you believe that your president is a Muslim sleeper agent, this is the movement for you. If you honor a flag raised explicitly to destroy this country then this is the movement for you. If you flirt with secession, even now, then this movement is for you. If you are a "Real American" with no demonstrable interest in "Real America" then, by God, this movement of alchemists and creationists, of anti-science and hair tonic, is for you.

Video Hat Tip: CNN.


  1. "Even though slavery and segregation were institutions of the Democratic Party."

    The southern states became Republican after Democratic President Lyndon Johnson convinced Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    The South has never forgiven Democrats for supporting the African-American Civil Rights Movement and that's the dirty history of Republicans and racism.

  2. Davemartin,

    This is a big fat lie. The GOP supported the Civil Rights Act, so you're saying the southern states embraced the GOP because of it? This is just another false talking point of the communist Democratic Party.
