Friday, April 30, 2010

Boycott Shakira!

At CNN, "Shakira enters Arizona immigration fight."

Yeah, yeah. Another airheaded lefty celeb gets all human rights-y on us.

In contrast, let's hear it from a blonde with brains, Heather MacDonald, "Praising Arizona":
The Arizona law is not about race; it’s not an attack on Latinos or legal immigrants. It’s about one thing and one thing only: making immigration enforcement a reality. It is time for a national debate: Do we or don’t we want to enforce the country’s immigration laws? If the answer is yes, the Arizona law is a necessary and lawful tool for doing so. If the answer is no, we should end the charade of inadequate, half-hearted enforcement, enact an amnesty now, and remove future penalties for immigration violations.


  1. This girl is from Columbia! She is not an American citizen! Who cares what she has to say.

  2. Not even a citizen of this Republic. And she gets press for her "postion?" Most of the guys I served with would only be interested in one position. We will leave it at that.

  3. How dare she go to Arizona and stir up more trouble, she said herself she is undocumented to be here Sheriff Joe go get HER and through her butt out!!!!

  4. "Yeah, I hate immigrants too! Woo! Obama sucks! Woo!" This place is a snoozefest, Don. I have bowel movements with more interesting things to say. Gotta have someone to hate though, huh? I DARE you not to delete this comment too, guy. LOL

  5. Pathetic! She uses an important and serious issue like this one to get free press.

  6. Who gives a damn what this glorified pole dancer has to say?

    Because she is against it, makes me support the law that much more.

  7. What b.s. is she making up to prove some point. tell her to shut up and go back to Columbia or whereever she is from! Sure she's hot.. But what a idiot!
