Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Britney Spears Un-Airbrushed

Some unexpected Britney blogging, from the Daily Mail, "Britney Spears bravely agrees to release un-airbrushed images of herself next to the digitally-altered versions":

Celebrities and the industry around them is often accused of producing images that affect young people's body image.

Which is why it's so refreshing to see one of the world's most famous pop stars allowing all of their imperfections to be highlighted.

Britney Spears has allowed the pre-airbrushed images from a shoot she took part in for fashion firm Candie's to be used ALONGSIDE the digitally-altered ones, so people can see the difference ....

A source told the Daily Mirror newspaper: 'Britney is proud of her body - imperfections and all.'

Of the experience, the singer told press: 'I had so much fun shooting the Candies for Kohl's campaign. My favorite set-up was against the gigantic wall of pink cotton candy.'

And she added: 'I got to wear the cutest clothes and they are perfect for summer!'
Check out the whole thing, at the link.


  1. You and Britney!!

  2. shes ugly inside and out. that is not the ideal lady.

  3. At most she is a Madonna "wannabe" who has neither the talent nor wherewithal to make that happen. I suspect that down deep is a young girl who is still trying to figure out who she is while still being in the public spot light. Not a good place to be and deal with a number of societal, industry and other conflicting signals.

  4. Geez people, where's the optimism? Are you guys liberals or leftists? I know plenty of liberals that allow themselves some joy in the female form. Is it you leftists who must dump on everything? I agree with the appreciative Dr. Donald! I like Brittany in spite of her missteps. She is young and trying to figure things out. I would have hated to have my youthful indiscretions in front of the media 24/7/365.

    The real un-airbrushed female, in this case, Brittany, is always sexier to me.

    The real un-airbrushed female, in this case, Brittany, is always sexier to me.
