Thursday, April 15, 2010

Change! Six in 10 Americans Expect Their Taxes to Increase

At Gallup, "Six in 10 Americans Expect Their Taxes to Increase":
Sixty-three percent of Americans believe their taxes will increase in the next 12 months, while 4% expect a change that will reduce their taxes. Majorities of all income groups share this view, though it is more common among Americans in upper-income households ....

Despite the president's tax policies to date and his plans for the future, middle- and lower-income Americans may perceive that the federal government will need to raise taxes to pay for its greater spending and rising deficits since Obama took office, including the recently passed healthcare legislation, with its price tag of just under $1 trillion.
Yep, sounds about right ... could be related to this, "Poll: Opposition to Obama's Health Law Surges":

Also, at Hot Air, "Gallup: Only 3% of Americans say their taxes are too low." (Via Memeorandum.)

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