Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Desperate Tea Party Crashers

I'll be covering some of the local rallies for tomorrow's National Tax Day Tea Party:

And the news is for good folks to be on the lookout for idiot "tea party crashers."

Michelle's got the main piece on this, "
Alinsky’s Avenging Angels: Tea Party Saboteurs."

Also, Sister Toldjah, "
Running scared: NH Dem source says state liberals trying to recruit Tea Party crashers." And JammieWearingFool, "Hospitality Exec Plans to Crash Boston 'Tea Party Express of Retards'."

Plus, from Dana Loesch, "
Tea Party Crashers Cozy Up to MSM For a Celebration of Marxism 101." (Via Memeorandum.)


  1. WOW! What a hate-filled diatribe on the link re: tea party crashers. This is a hate crime in motion.

    There can be little doubt these miscreants goal is to suppress the free speech rights of people who prefer to avoid Obama’s Marxism, and to incite violence. I hope you bring video recorders to capture the typically violent left-wing partisans.

    Why are they against free speech? Is it because their arguments cannot stand against reason?

  2. We will be at the tea party in Philly. I've made a little sign that I can stash away and take out for pics with infiltrators. We will be taking pics and video of the event!
