Monday, April 12, 2010

Guess the Zionist?

I'll give readers a preview, but the full entry is at Jawa Report, "Guess the Zionist Boobies Fifth Edition."


EXIT QUESTION: How would post-colonial feminists respond to Zionist bikini models?


  1. so you not only recognize the strife womyn have to struggle with but seem to have fun ridiculing it? hmmmm

  2. X-Wing Pilot ...

    Is that all you got?

  3. "womyn have to struggle"
    This knockout is not struggling. It isn't Zionist women that struggle, it is the oppressed women under the Islamic rule of law. I never knew an ex-wing pilot that didn't enjoy a fine women to look admire.

  4. I would ask the question as to what enjoying beautiful women has to do with strife, but I suspect it has to do with trying to control men rather than any other supposed reason and maybe a touch of jealousy.
    I must say that I am more smitten by the blond lady saluting in front of the flag. It is nice to know that at my age there are still women who take my breath away. It reminds one of all the lovely women one has meet in their life and the fond memories they still engender.
    X-wing pilot, go to Hell. Strife comes to all of us no matter our gender. How we handle that strife and other challenges that makes us what we are as human beings.

  5. Right, Dennis. I love a patriotic, flag-saluting woman with a fine figure, in a bikini. Only in America! With the greatest of respect and admiration for American women, at 64, it still makes my heart warm...I hear the Beach Boys, "I wish they all could be..."
