Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Julian Assange Bald-Faced Lies on Colbert Report -- UPDATED!!

I actually got back up at 11:30pm to watch it, and hey, give credit to Stephen Colbert, who calls out WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange. At about 3:00 minutes, Colbert complains, "the Reuters photographers, who were regrettably killed, were not identified as photographers -- and you edited this tape, and you have given it a title, called " Collateral Murder." That's not leaking, that's a pure editorial." And then, in a comedic vein, Colbert repudiates Assange as "manipulating" the video, etc. ...

Then check out Assange, who continues his malicious campaign of deception. Jawa Report has the rundown, "
Colbert Owns Wiki Leak (Video Added)":
Wow, what a liar Julian Assange is. Again, lying by omissions and slight of hand. Maybe the word "RPG" wasn't used before the go signal for firing on the insurgents, that might technically be true. But go watch the [WikiLeaks] video below again ...

More Jawa Report at the link.


UPDATE: Lots of folks reporting on this one today See, Jules Crittenden, "“Collateral Murder”":

“Purposeful Character Assassination” might be a better title for what Wikileaks is attempting on the United States military. It’s an all too familiar story. Most remarkable is the fact that, all these years in, anyone is viewing this as anything but a prurient effort to shock and disparage that is utterly lacking anything but the most damning, emotionally charged context, by people who admit that is their intention and who do not appear to know what they are talking about.
More from Ed Morrissey, via Memeorandum.

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