Friday, April 16, 2010

No Political Motive in Beating of 'Little Blonde Bitch' Jindal Staffer

Michelle has the story, "New Orleans beating follow-up: Attackers yelled “Little blonde b*tch,” “f**king faggot,” nothing political" (via Memeorandum):

This was a terrible crime in the crime-infested French Quarter. Your heart cannot help but go out to the victims after reading this description. They deserve non-partisan compassion and prayers for healing.

It doesn’t help to insist on making this a partisan cause celebre and reducing the victims to political pawns when the evidence remains murky — and especially when one of the victims himself heard no politically-motivated taunts.

Save the ideological outrage for
bona fide cases of politically motivated violence.

1 comment:

  1. DD, I really couldn't care less whether this particular assault was the result of a short circuit in an Obamabot or just some whack-job that was ticked off due to class/income envy.

    What it boils down to is that people in America are becoming so bitterly divided that blood is going to flow more and more. We haven't seen this kind of rift since the 1860's.

    My fear is that the genuine politically motivated violence is going to keep escalating. The outcome in such an escalation is going to be bloody. Conservatives are the ones that believe in the second amendment, and they won't continue to allow attacks without reprisal.
