Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spoofing Obama Zombies? Amerikkka Gonna Pay My Health Care

Actually, it's kinda hard to tell if this lady's doing a ghetto send up, only because what she mocks is so common. There's a thread at MAINfo, and the consenus is that she's a comedienne. Either way, it's almost too good, "Your Higher Taxes pay for My Healthcare."


This kinda knocked me back, parody or not, especally since I'm reading Jason Mattera's, "Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation."

I'll have more on Mattera as I finish up the book, but see Michelle: "
Slaying the cult of the Obama Zombies."


  1. Thanks for the link, Donald. If this lady is not a conservative she might as well be. She helps the conservative cause immensely with her antics.

  2. She real is making fun of a lot of people. Great stuff and I suspect she is a conservative.

  3. this one made blood shoot out of my eyes, holy crap, what have we become.

  4. Man, how can anybody not get it? This broad is fuckin' hysterical.

    Tell you what, Black people get it for sure. You can take that to the bank.

  5. All I could do was laugh my ass off.
