Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Teabagging Since 1773!

Video c/o Althouse.

And see also, NYT, "
Poll Finds Tea Party Backers Wealthier and More Educated":

Of the 18 percent of Americans who identified themselves as supporters, 20 percent, or 4 percent of the general public, said they had given money or attended a Tea Party event, or both. These activists were more likely than supporters generally to describe themselves as very conservative and had more negative views about the economy and Mr. Obama. They were more angry with Washington and intense in their desires for a smaller federal government and deficit.
Yep, sounds about right, but there's snarkworthy material there as well, so RTWT.


  1. Ugh, tea bagging Nancy Pelosi? It's your bag I guess, do with it what you will.

    24 hours and counting, Don. You gonna delete this comment too, tough guy?

  2. JBW: I didn't delete your comment ... it's still sitting there at that post. I turned off comments from view, to prevent your trolling and abuse. And who's the tough guy? You were supposed to be ignoring me, right? You should just admit your bro-mance with American power!

  3. Ohhhhh, censorship instead of deletion. Very brave of you. So commenting on and answering a post that mentions me several times is now "trolling and abuse", huh? You obviously live in a different America than I do. And you're right, I'm too weak to ignore this much cowardice. Ya got me.

    15 hours and counting, button. Man up; take the bet.

  4. Dude, you've got your bet. I have two posts explaining, with real political science, why it's no sure bet that the GOP will retake Congress. In response, all you do is cry like a fucking baby. So man up. Bush picked up seats in 2002. If your pres is so great, he should beat that. $100 says he doesn't. If you can't make the bet, STFU about your goddamned "Chess Master POTUS".

  5. Jesus Christ, are you sure you're a political scientist? Do I really need to explain to you how the incumbent party almost always loses seats during midterm elections? Or that Bush had the country banding together around 9/11 and the invasion of Afghanistan while Obama inherited two stagnating wars and a sinking economy? Was your doctoral thesis about how elections happen in historical and cultural vacuums?

    Yes, of course it's no sure bet that the GOP will retake Congress but their odds of doing so are astronomical when compared to those of the Democrats actually gaining seats and you know it. That's why no political scientists besides yourself are proposing such a ludicrous wager. Was the sarcasm in my comment about betting on the sunrise too over your head?

    The fact that I even have to explain this to another grown man is sad. If you can't make a bet that you aren't absolutely sure you'll win then I'm wasting my time here. This is why I don't have children.
